After university I spent two years working in Japan, where I saved a ton of money but also felt totally directionless in my life, which led to me buying a giant backpack and spending several years traveling.
Eventually I found a place to call home and have now settled in Norway.
I blog about life as an American-Norwegian in Norway (my father is American, my mother is Norwegian, and I’m a dual citizen), as well as my continued travels around the world.
My aim is to find a balance between my eagerness to see ALL the places, and my newfound desire to build a permanent home somewhere.
I believe that it’s totally possible to continue to reap the benefits of long term travel even when traveling on shorter trips with bigger budgets – and I’m sharing everything I discover about how to do it!
So if you’re a former backpacker who wants to continue to see explore the most beautiful corners of the world with a touch more luxury, while still getting off the beaten path for authentic local experiences, this blog is for you.
But who am I?
I’m Silvia. I’m from Worcester, MA USA, but I like to tell people I’m from Norway.
After launching Heart My Backpack in January 2014, I’ve traveled solo through Iran and the Caucasus, backpacked around the Middle East, and fallen in love with the Balkans.
In January 2015 I decided to leave Asia and for 6 months I traveled overland to a new home in Europe. I passed through places like Burma, China, Mongolia, Russia (Siberia in winter, yup!), the Baltics, and finally the Balkans.
And then I decided to make a home in Norway! I’m still here, currently living in Bergen, Norway. But travel continues to play a huge role in my life, and I continue to write about my adventures in Norway and abroad, as well as more thoughtful pieces about travel in general (you know, the blog posts with all the feels).
What else?
I will eat anything and probably enjoy it. I may have weakened taste buds or something.
I tap dance when I’m nervous, much to the amusement of many an armed border guard.
I don’t feel super comfortable writing about myself so… I’m tap dancing right now.
I’ve lived in seven countries and visited over 80 countries on six continents.

When I told my grandmother this she was all “that’s all? Not even a hundred?”
I come from a family of travelers. Probably because I’m from Norway.
Here are a few of my most popular posts about travel:
How I Saved $44,000 to Travel the World
19 Awkward Things That Happen When You Return from Backpacking
Here are a couple of my travel videos:
You can find all of my recent travel videos and vlogs on my YouTube channel.
Here are a few of my most popular posts about Norway:
7 Ways Norway Isn’t as Expensive as You Think
Norway Says No to Tourists, This Is Where You Should Go Instead
How to Travel Norway on a Budget
How to Plan an Epic Road Trip in Norway
And you can see my Norway posts by category on this page, or by clicking on areas of this map:

Interested in blogging?
How to Start the World’s Best Travel Blog
How I Make Enough Money Blogging to Live in Norway
5 Things I Wish I Had Done for My Blog Much Earlier
You can read all of my posts about blogging here.
Want to follow along the adventures? You can subscribe in the box below, and follow me on Bloglovin’, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.
Just so you know, this blog does contain some affiliate links, which means that I may earn a small commission from any purchases or bookings you make from my recommendations – at no extra cost to you. Hope that’s OK!
Susanna G. says
To dear Silvia from cousin Susanna.
Haha! I’m lucky I’m not missing my spleen from laughing! You’re going to Thailand next? Awesome! I’m becoming green from envy. If I had warts I’d be a frog. I wish you luck on your travels. Say hallo to Bestemor from me! Hope to see you again one day.
The frog like girl.
P.S. I tell people I’m from Norway too. I don’t feel guilty at all.
P.P.S. Mom says hi. While attempting to get rid of her spleen.
Silvia says
Ahh marking this down as my favorite comment ever!
I’ll send your greetings to Bestemor, who can’t seem to stop talking about you. Whenever my Norwegian fails me and I have to switch to English (which is about every fourth word, ha) she’s all “Kan du ikke si det på norsk, Bettina? Susanna var sååååå flinke til å snakke norsk når hun var her.”
Ahh I can’t keep up with you, little cousin! I bet you even know how to spell words in Norwegian, bah.
But how sad is “Hope to see you again one day” ? Let’s tell our parents to get their acts together or we’re going on an adventure without them. Now go give everyone in your family a hug from me. Even Lars.
Love love love xx
farshad says
Hi dear
How are you?
I am very happy to hear that you love IRAN, IRAN IS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY IN WORLD
Silvia says
Thanks, Farshad, I agree!
Farshad says
I am very happy and excited that you agree with me.
As you know Iran is one of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world, one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
I dare say that you did not see a lot of places in this big country, For example, Iran has one of the ancient cities dating back 8,000 years with great monuments like the old water mills and old bridges and castles and … ,
One of the oldest cities in the world that I know you’ve seen unlikely——> One of the oldest known settlements in the region, the building is 4200 BC
Although the first traces of a residential village with about 7000 BC, and archaeological excavations indicate that this area was in 9000 BC Location farmers
Sassanid bridge
Paul Sassanid (old)most important monument of the city. The bridge connects the eastern and western regions, and one way to interface Jundishapur area and Mesopotamia who ordered the first Sassanid Shapur after the victory over the Romans in 263 AD, the Roman and the use of prisoners were made. The bridge over nearly 18 centuries, still stands as one of the oldest bridges in the world is based.
Amin Hosseini says
I am Amin from Iran…i would glad to see you in Iran..if you want to travel to iran i can help you in Iran as a leader and i would be happy to hear you for any question….
my phonenumber is +989126208559 ……
i am waiting for you in Iram
Aria says
i am glad that you enjoyed traveling to Iran, please tell your family, friends and other people that iranians and their four season country is not like hell! come back to Iran again,
with best regards,
touati says
this is very nice silvia.
I am just a nomad traveler managing and living with my travel agency my life history from 5 years.
u r very welcome to visit us in Romania or Tunisia ,my home land.
Ali Touati
Bucharest- Dracula Land
Hitch-Hikers Handbook says
Lovely blog, Silvia! Thanks for connecting with us on Twitter! Keep up the great work and travel safe!
Silvia says
Thanks for stopping by!
Cat Mac says
you have your own .com?! this blog is too cool!
Tante Hege says
Hi dear Silvia!
I have been holding my tongue now for almost two months and I just can’t hold it any longer… OK it’s coming….
45+ countries? Really, Silvia, not even a hundred? I can’t help it, it was the first thing that crossed my mind!
I think it’s the Norwegian traveling gene that almost the entire population of Norway shares. Europe consists of 45+ countries. By the time a Norwegian has reached 20, he or she has at least 30 countries under their belt (er, in their bag pack). My generation certainly did (let’s not talk about which one that is, but a clue for your readers, it’s not the Titanic generation, which my daughter claims it is), and people travel even more now.
Well, 45 countries will certainly impress an American. From my chair here in one of the flyover states, 45 is really impressive, but with my Norwegian hat (skis) on, not so much.
I just read that a person walks on average the equivalence of 7 times around the world during a lifetime. Call me shallow, but something like that would impress me! Try this one, and get a twofer; impress several cultures at once: “I have visited 45+ countries or the equivalent of 30 times (?) around the world!”
PS! It has occurred to me that it’s not about impressing anyone, but if you are even a tiny bit Norwegian you’ll like to brag (in a safe environment among friends, of course)! He He…
Lot’s of love. Safe travels!
Silvia says
Haha oh I know I’m a big loser when it comes to the countries contest – I always have been in my family. I have a terrible habit of revisiting places I’ve been before, and when I do go to new countries I like to spend a lot of time in each place instead of blasting through a bunch of new places. I guess… I’m not as Norwegian as I like to think, sob. xo
Frank matin Hanumandas says
Hi Silvia, stop by sometime if your ever in the neighborhood. There must be something interesting around here. Cherie says hi. We’re making art. Just back from Mexico where it was warm as well as beautiful. Joe has had a cold you know. He says he wants winter to be over. You could have seen the ice caves in Lake Michigan if only you had come by this winter. Now, I’m afraid it’s too late. Ice caves wait for no one.
Silvia says
Thanks, Uncle Frank! Send my love to Cherie, and next time Joe complains about being cold tell him to visit me in Thailand! I guess I’ll have to wait on the ice caves for now. Good thing winter always returns!
shab says
Hi Silva, can u please give me your FB ID?
Silvia says
Shab says
Thanks, Very Excellent and Nice thoughts about Iran…
Rashin says
hi ,
i am an Iranian living aborad , i always explain to my friends Iran and Iranian are better than what they show in news, i am so happy and glad you took the chance and you enjoyed your trip. wish you all the best and hope many other people do that. in general middle east is wonderful. thanks for sharing such a lovely experinces with us.
take care
Silvia says
Thanks, Rashin! I loved my time in Iran and hope that more tourists will start going there soon!
jalal says
Hello Silvia
I am very happy that you have enjoyed in Iran.
Me with my wife and son live in Milan (Italy) and every summer we go to Iran for the holidays and we have a lot of fun so we stay two months in Iran.
Dear Silvia you are very sincere and honest to your vision in Iran.
blessing in your family who have a daughter so Inteligent and talented.
with best regard
moshref jalal
Silvia says
Thank you so much for such a sweet message! I loved visiting Iran – you are so lucky that you can go there with your family every summer!
Hengameh says
Hi Dear Silvia
it’s very nice to konw you and hear about you , I’m From Iran and i’m very happy that you could visit our country , I wish I could see you in here . maybe the next time 🙂 . i have face book page may be we could be friend there (( Hengameh Soltani —– ))
wish you all the best honey
love / Hengameh
Amir Ali says
hi silvia
In between all the trips you went, what did you like most?
Silvia says
Wow, what a difficult question! I don’t think I can say one place I liked the most, but I particularly enjoyed traveling through Iran, Tajikistan, and Nepal.
Indranil Sinha says
Hi, good to hear that you loved travelling through Iran, Tajikistan and Nepal. I was passing by your blog and really enjoyed it. I am an Indian living in Iran now. I was always a travel maniac and I spent half of my university life in forests and mountains.(That’s how software engineers are made now a days :-P)
Now me and my wife(Iranian) wanna restart the habit of travelling. Iran is currently having 31 provinces and we are looking forward to cover all. We will start from Kermanshah in two weeks. We will also take a new step in our restart action, a travel blog and we are working on it now.
During my university life I traveled to Nepal and Tibet from India in motorbike. The best experience till date. So I can imagine your feeling about Nepal.
Wish you all the best, enjoy your backpacking and stay tune and safe.
Silvia says
Oh wow that sounds like an amazing trip – have a wonderful time!
Hi dear Silvia, today i heared about your travel to Iran, next time aware me to see more great historical and natural places and be more familiar with my country, thanks a lot for your admires.
best wishes
Silvia says
Thanks for the offer, Mehran! I hope that I can visit Iran again someday and see more of its beautiful sites.
Hoshang says
Dear Sylvia
I’m so glad that my trip to visit my home Dygrshhrhay Tehran and are happy.
I hope this will meet again on our trip home to live in this family have Mrzv canvas.
You ignore friend
Farshad says
I am a persian boy living in Isfahan. I am happy that you as a young American girl has visited my city. I know this country has too many religious limitations but I hope you have had good times in Iran and see you here again in Isfahan.
Silvia says
Thanks, Farshad! I had a wonderful time in Iran and will definitely try to visit Isfahan again in the future.
amir says
Hi silvia ,I am very happy that you have enjoyed in Iran.
would you like to travel to kerman iran? ,
kerman have alot of beautiful & historical places ,
if you need a information call me plz
mobile no: +989133436630
Silvia says
Thanks for your offer, Amir! There are so many places I still want to see in Iran. I hope I can visit again someday.
hasan says
Hi silvia.i think u should travel to northwest of iran.azerbayjan and particullary ardebil is the best area with fantastic people and nature.we wait you
and a question.what is your job?i think you are a wealthy girl that you can travel every country .am i right?
Silvia says
Thanks for the tips! And no, I wish I were rich, then I would travel the world forever! I worked in Japan for two years to save money and now travel on a very tight budget, but soon I will have to stop traveling to work and make money again.
Emily and Evelyn says
Hello! We recently met your parents on a train from Berlin. We got chatting about travelling and they were very interesting and lovely people, and they recommended we check out your blog. Seems like you’ve had some amazing experiences! We definitely hope to travel to some of the places you’ve been to. Hope your parents had a good time in Dresden. All the best 🙂
Silvia says
I had to laugh when I read that my parents told you to check out my blog – ahh parents! Though regardless, I’m glad you made your way here if it brought any travel inspiration. 🙂 And I’m incredibly jealous that you just got to spend some time with my parents!
Sam says
What would your readers think if they knew you had a real live Uncle Sam, born very near to the 4th of July? Hey, nice blog.
Silvia says
Ha, thanks Uncle Sam! And happy belated birthday!!
Leah says
Hi Silvia! I’m a big fan of the fact that you’ve traveled to so many places people wouldn’t necessarily peg as travel destinations. Sometimes I hate that I always find myself on the tourist trail and that everyone has the same (or at least similar) stories and experiences. I aspire to be more like you! Although I wouldn’t trade my time in Chiang Mai for anything in the world…happy travels! xx
Silvia says
I do think it’s important to travel to unpopular places and have loved my experiences doing so, but I also wouldn’t trade my time in Chiang Mai either! I think this is now my fifth or sixth time return to Chiang Mai, ha.
Sofie says
Hey Silvia!
Wanted to come and have a look after you left a comment on my blog.
Love the colors you use on here.
I was thinking about adding a little brown to my blog when I redesigned it, but then didn’t. Just because, you know:)
Silvia says
Haha thanks, Sofie! My blog is incredibly girly, so the brown was a bit of an attempt to offset that. Though really it’s very nearly pink.
mostafa says
hi dear iranian and im so glad that u meet our country.i really want to be contact with you.maybe u can comeback here.waiting for your email.
Jeff | Planet Bell says
I am glad I found your blog and look forward to reading it thoroughly. You have gone to a lot of off the beaten path places. Good on you!
How are you today MY lady?
My GMAIL Address is :
Plz send me,my love.
nomadic panda says
I love your blog!! You should visit South Africa sometime 🙂
Silvia says
Thanks! I so badly want to go to South Africa. I was actually supposed to earlier this year but that trip fell through. Hopefully I can go soon!
Packing my Suitcase says
Hi Silvia!! Found your blog via Instagram… I loved it!! Not only the look of it, but your stories too… you have been to soooo many cool places!! I see you still need to go to South America, hope you can make it to my country (Brazil) sometime 😀 lets stay in touch, I will add you on my other social media channels 😀
Silvia says
Aww so glad you found me! I SO want to go to South America, and when I do Brazil will definitely be on my itinerary. Ahh I’m getting excited just thinking about it!
Packing my Suitcase says
hahaha awesome!! Glad to know that… if you ever need any tips let me know 😀
Silvia says
Aw thanks, I’ll remember that!
suba says
Lovely blog! keep travelling and keep the writing going 🙂
Silvia says
Thanks for visiting, Suba!
Katie @ Daily Cup of Kate says
What an awesome blog!! I could read all your travel recaps for days- cant wait to follow along 🙂
Silvia says
Thanks, so happy to see you here, Katie!
Stacey says
I think it’s safe to say… I have a new favourite travel blog!
Love everything about it, I could spend my whole weekend on here.
Keep it up, amazing posts and such great stories!
Marie says
Wow, 60 countries is a lot! And I thought that 20 was something that would impress people. Apparently I was wrong 🙂
Love your blog! I am from Denmark and have lived in Norway for more than a year. It was awesome!
Silvia says
I almost studied in Denmark, and I still hope that I can’t spend more time there someday! I’m planning on moving to Norway in the summer, so at least I’ll be close by 🙂
Englishmanrick, aka The Land Sailor says
I’m glad I found your blog. I was reading about Central Asia yesterday, in LP guidebook, as I’m planning a long trip through there starting from my home in Bulgaria, thru Turkey, Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan. Then Iran if visa isn’t a problem and up thru all tha stans to Novosibirsk, on to swim in Lake Baikel,then Mongolia, back to Russia & down again to Almaty to fly to New Delhi and on to Pokhara my most favourite town of all. I am setting out the day after my 70th birthday, so thanks for all the news and photos. Richard.
Silvia says
Wow, that sounds like a truly amazing trip! Good luck with everything, and have fun!!
Maaike says
Hey Silvia, love your blog, and your style! And that picture of you in Japan brought back memories! I lived there for a year as an exchange student exactly 20 years ago (aaah how time flies) and have the exact same picture, crawling through that pillar. It was in a temple in Nara right?
Silvia says
Oh wow, that’s so funny! And yes, it’s the temple in Nara! I went back a couple of years ago, but sadly I was a little too big to try to fit through the pillar again, haha.
Serendipity Tess says
Wow! You’ve been like literally everywhere!!! 🙂 Nice to meet you!
Silvia says
Haha can’t stop traveling! Nice to meet you too xx
Nelvino says
We both fell in love with the Balkans…
Wht about Hitchhiking?!…couldn’t find any of yr stories
Silvia says
I hitchhiked in Albania and Macedonia! You can read my stories here:
James F. Trumm says
I just discovered your blog via Twitter. And I am envious. Traveling through the ‘stans and Iran must have required you to toss out a great deal of received wisdom (“it’s so dangerous!”) and to have a whole lot of confidence in yourself and your fellow humans. I hope I can do something similar someday.
I have a Worcester connection through the fact that my son attended Clark. When he was a freshman, I remarked that there were more Norwegians in his class than there were people from Ohio.
Anyway, thanks for writing about your journeys. They are inspirational to me.
MAK says
Hi Silvia.
it’s unbelievable!!
I’m proud of you.
i hope you again travel to iran and specially Kashan
Good Luck
MAK from Iran.
Silvia says
Dejan says
Wow, you’re just like my grand uncle Tibor Sekelj! ! All my life I envy him for his adventurous nature! 😀
Silvia says
What a comparison, I’m flattered 🙂
RoarLoud says
From MA, cool! Me too, residing in NH now and looking to travel the world. Heading to Tanzania to climb Kilimanjaro in September. Great motivation to see a New England travel blogger making it, happy 2 year anniversary! Roar!
Silvia says
Oh wow, that sounds awesome! Excited to see how it goes for you!
Paula Andrews says
Hi Silvia.
I came across your blog and liked it. I truly envy your courage to go to Iran, and I am amazed by how many countries have you visited. 70 is a lot for me! hehe
I just had my first glamping experience last June. I went to this new Glamping spot in Madeira Island, Portugal and girl, I was truly amazed! Have you been to Portugal before?
I am not exaggerating when I say that Roberto’s (the owner) place is the nicest little paradise I ever had the honor of sleeping in. The bed was super comfortable, and the shower in the morning, right next to the Tipi, with a sea view window… Wow… !
The waterfall, the sea, the sounds, the flowers, the fruits, the apple bananas… everything was so relaxing! And, Roberto was also very nice, always available to help me.
This experience of “camping” with all comfort is definitely to repeat! Good luck with everything! Loved your blog. Bye!
Aleksis says
Hi Silvia! I simply had to comment ASAP because firstly, your blog is currently my FAVORITE travel blog. And secondly, the moment I read that you were from WORCESTER, MA, I felt so proud because I as well am from Woostah! I just studied abroad this past semester and although I am originally from Albania, I did a bit of traveling while in Europe but reading blogs like yours truly inspires me to go back on the road and this time completely out of my comfort zone. Thank you for writing and can’t wait to read more and more about your travels and adventures!
Silvia says
Whaat no way! I never thought I had any readers in Worcester! I hope you get back out on the road and love it as much as I have 🙂
Wow! I aspire to travel as much as you, and to less touristy places! But first – I need to tackle the touristy places, haha.
Love the blog.
Silvia says
Haha some of my favorite places have been to touristy places – as long as it’s travel I’m happy 🙂
Kelly says
Hey Worcester! I’m in Leominster. 🙂 So happy to connect. My husband and I are avid travelers as well. Looking forward to following your journey. Cheers!
Silvia says
What a small world! I’m happy to have some neighbors reading along 🙂
Silvia says
Hi Silvia!!!
You can’t imagine how happy I am to have found your blog!!! I am planning a big holiday in Norway next year and I have been looking for soo long for a nice travel blog with a lot of content on Norway. I couldn’t find any I liked until I found yours! Also, apart from sharing the same name, I have also started an expat travel blog and I lived in Worcester a couple of years ago! Maybe that is why I took an immediate liking to your blog! lol
Looking forward to following your stories!
Best, Silvia 🙂
Silvia says
Wow, so many coincidences, that really is crazy! And I’m so happy to hear that you’re enjoying my stories to Norway – I’m sure that you will love it as much as I do!
Kailey says
Hi Silvia! Just found your blog and love it! I too have the Norwegian travel gene and will be visiting in September 🙂 While looking at breath-taking photos of the island Hidra, where my family is from, I tried to figure out what could have possibly inspired them to leave and immigrate to NY…but, as you say, it’s the explorer gene!
Silvia says
Right? So crazy to me that my mom left Norway. I hope you have a lovely trip!
Elnaz says
Hi Silvia ! You are very very very inspiring ! I wish I could travel such! hitch hiking is still on my bucket list, and Africa, India and Georgia and Armenia. Germany and Belgium as well ! A little question, d u work online ?
Wish you beautiful moments !
hugs from Shiraz
Ray says
Glad to have stumbled upon your blog as I very much enjoy off-the-beaten travel. I look forward to reading more about your adventures, as well as your decision to reside in Norway. I have some friends that I met on a previous trip that live in Bergen and Oslo, so I hope to visit them sometime.
Silvia says
Oh you should definitely come to Norway, especially Bergen!
Michael says
So here I am, 71 years old, sitting here reading your story and suddenly I’m transferred back to 1976 when I sold my house and car after deciding to hitchhike around the world. About two months before I left I met a girl I liked a lot who had spent four years “on the road.” She unexpectedly joined me in Wales a month after I left confident we would be together for what turned out to be the first of many great adventures, long term travel all over the world. We spent the next 18 years together which I call my middle years 31 to 49. Unfortunately she died when we were both 49 but I was very lucky twice as I have been with another wonderful woman for the last 18 years and we continue to explore the world experiencing ourselves in all sorts of new places. I’ve traveled in 72 countries and enjoyed learning about the art, culture, politics, food and belief systems of each place. But, as I’m sure you know it is really about learning about myself. Thanks for reminding me about love, bold traveling and the ingredients of a great life.
Lingwang says
Hi Silvia,
Really like the pictures you took in Norway .My Fiance and me will go there On October 5th .There are so many amazing places and really have no idea how to arrange our itinerary . Do you have any suggestions ?Thanks
Silvia says
I really love the west coast. If you can afford to rent a car I would maybe drive north from Bergen to see the fjords, otherwise you can take trains or just explore from around the cities. I’m not a big fan of Oslo, but some people love it. Have fun!
Linda says
Thanks a lot!
Emily says
Hi Silvia,
Thanks so much for creating your blog and doing what you do! I just started the digital nomad life in June and am loving every piece of it! I am hoping to document all of my travels and one day also make an income through blogging. 🙂 For now, it’s a hobby as I try to flex my writing/marketing skills and discover my voice/style! You’re an inspiration!
Silvia says
That’s the perfect way to start a blog! If you love it the monetization and other things will come eventually. Sounds like an exciting journey you’ve just embarked on!
Colin says
You said that you traveled to Iran, may I ask how you did this? From all the websites I’ve read an American must go with a guide or a group tour. I’m not a fan of tours and having a guide follow me all over doesn’t sound like fun.
Silvia says
I traveled on my Norwegian passport, and Norwegians can get a visa on arrival at the airport.
Cierra says
Love this, I am from Texas originally, having backpacked through central america and parts of the US, funny I know live in western mass with my boyfriend and we are getting ready for our next adventure. Love your blog, Love your stories, really resonates within me, good luck with your future ventures 🙂 Norway is defiantly on our list!
Abdulrahman says
I liked your blog
I have been in Norway before two years , I felt in love with it , and the Lofoten Islands could be a part from heaven.
I m sad to know that you didn’t visit UNITED ARAB EMIRATES , you should !! Dubai is the first tourism destination in the Middle East , if you are planning to visit Dubai please feel free to ask if you have any questions 😀
Silvia says
Thanks, I’ll definitely contact you if I plan a trip down there!
CuriousEagle says
Really nice, witty, and quite practical blog 🙂
Thanks for sharing your experiences in Norway. It helps newcomers a lot. Keep writing.
sidran says
Found your blog while blogwalking. Pretty interesting. Cheers and happy trails!
Silvia says
Julie says
Too cool!!! I also lived a few years in Japan before I moved to Norway for… education. Pretty legit masters degree i’ll be finishing up here soon! If you’re ever in Oslo, let me know! ,we can go for drink or two!:)
minoo says
Please check your Gmail.pleaseeeeeee.♥
minoo says
Please. Very Quiz. In the case of Iran, I need a lot of help. Thank you♥
minoo says
An Iranian wants your opinion.♥
hello. I read your article on your site because I want to participate in the contest that matters. : “When is a foreign tourist coming to Iran, what is the strangest thing he sees?” I now ask you to help write a beautiful text, Lady of Mercy.
You can contact me with regards to culture and art, history, places of interest, cities, civilization, people and the things that attracted your attention.♥
Hilda says
Dear, you should visit Central Europe – Slovakia, Hungary and Austria. These countries are very beautiful, to visit Opera in Vienna, the coronation church in capital of Slovakia – Bratislava (the only church in the world which has the hungarian crown in pure gold in top instead of cross), parliament building in Budapest, is amazing!
Silvia says
You can read about my trips to Slovakia here: and my trips to Hungary here: I haven’t been to Austria since before I started this blog, but now you’ve reminded me that I should really go back there!
Meg says
All that you’ve done, still do takes guts and passion! I really admire that about you.
All the best to you always!
Sunniva says
Just want so say it’s lovely to hear that you love norway. I’m from norway and live just outside of Trondheim, and if you’re near by just contact me on email. I would love to show you my hometown Meråker, just look it up and you’ll understand me!
Mit says
HI Silvia. Hope you are doing great!! I just read your blog about Norway and found it very helpful! I am travelling from London (originally from Boston…saw you are from Worcester thats so cool!!)) to Bergen on April 13 and I was hoping if you could assist me in my travel plans.
I land at BGO on april 13 at 2pm. I rented a car and was debating whether I should drive/ferry from airport to stavenger OR take a bus/ferry to Stavenger and stay the night there??? do you know how much buses cost vs how much ferry will be if I parked my car in it? please let me know if you know of any website that will provide information including if i could book ahead of time or not??
Next day april 14–i was hoping to go for early hike to Preikestolen and than return back to Bergen by evening, again either by car vs bus.
April 15–drive up to Geirangerfjord early morning and hopefuly make it there by noon and spend rest of the day there. I am assuming there will be acomodations there at night such as hostel or hotels?
April 16 early AM–try to go see Neijerfords and than drive back to airport for 7pm flight
Is this do-able do you think? My main question is how much it will cost to take ferries (with car) multiple times during trip to south and north of the country???
I would be very greatful if you could help me. Please provide further ideas/thoughts as well as I have only 3-4 days for this trip to make the most of it.
THanks again!
Jaka says
Hello Silvia! I love your blog. I noticed that you’ve visited Slovenia but you never mentioned your experience there. I think you would have loved the Triglav National Park, a true paradise for hikers; it has lakes, high peaks, remote villages, vast forests, and even an aquamarine river. Perhaps you can include Slovenia in one of your upcoming journeys? You weren’t too far from the Slovenian Alps when you visited Croatia.
Jaka says
P. S. And if you do plan to go to Slovenia, feel free to contact me for some tips!
Edgar says
Hejsan Silvia 🙂
If you send to me some See-lachs…..i´ll send to you Fazer blue 🙂
Craig mcintosh says
Great to see you keeping your pages open. Friends of mine are off to Norway and lofoten in particular. I have family in Bergen. Norway seems a good place to visit.
Katherine says
Hi Silvia! Glad I found your blog. I’m starting my own and I’m from Westford, MA!
Silvia says
Ah no way! Good luck 🙂
Leopoldt says
Goeie More Silvia (as we would say in South Africa – in Afrikaans).
Like most of the people mentioned above, stumbling across your blog – just amazing! Thank you for sharing your love for traveling and writing with us (the world). I myself love both those things as well.
My wife and I (2 weeks after getting married in 2016) went over to South Korea to travel, owh I mean Teach 🙂 We backpacked and camped the most of Korea over weekends, and to the ends of the Philippines un-traveled Palawan. What an amazing year it was. An extended “honeymoon”. But came February2017, it was time to say “totsiens”. After a quick stop for a couple of days in Hong Kong, we were back on our doorstep – South Africa.
First, we had to re-travel to our favorite parts in our most amazing and beautiful country, and just for fun, had to go to the Namib Desert, our neighbor, Namibia. Traveling with our small car, we had loads of fun and laughter under the African Sun. Camping throughout the country.
Sadly, we then had to get back to business, and earn money and make a living. Luckily both our parents still live on Farms, so we still get out a lot, either mountain biking or camping. Being raised on a farm, we LOVE nature. We love the rugged feeling, untouched nature. We traveled and camped throughout Southern Africa, incl. Botswana, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
We saved up a bit, and with our jobs (lawyer and occupational therapist) we do not have amplified holidays to spend. Saving up on that now.
This brought us to the idea to spread our wings to one of the worlds most beautiful Nature-Countries. and LONG overdue dreams – NORWAY!
First we thought and read it is too expensive. But as I came to notice on most of the blogs etc., we can CAMP anywhere. And our plan from day 1, was to rent a car, travel, camp, eat cheap and SEE what Norway is about.
And today, while taking a break from work, I stumbled across your blog.
I would really love to get more insight on Norway, the small untouched places. The Less visited. The beauty. The Rent-a-MTB places. The outdoors. The ins and outs.
Warm African Greetings,
“Baie Dankie”
Matthias Verstrynge says
Hi Sylvia, just wanted to say thanks for your awesome blog posts.
I’ve shared already a ton of them on twitter because I like reading them and they all contain great content.
Great to see that it is possible to “settle” and still live a travel centered lifestyle!
Keep up the good work,
Takashi says
Hi Silvia,
Glad meeting you in Shinjuku in Tokyo during your trip yesterday.
I was really surprised seeing your blog by searching card.
I thought you were backpacker then but never thought you experienced living in Japan 2 times in the past!
And further more, never known you were so incredible travel writer!! 😀
I felt something similar to your passion from amazing essays, already big fan of yours!
I hope you enjoy your happy life in Norway and keep writing. 🙂
P.S. I should have talked about my past Norway life with you then! Keep in touch with me via email 🙂
Silvia says
Ah thanks, I was happy to meet you too!
Augustin says
Dear Silva,
Me Augustin from India. I went through your blog and saw that you have visited so many places and with that experience you are writing the blog. It is good. But you never visited some other parts of India. I will suggest mainly south India. The reason for this are,
South Indian people can accept different cultures.
The people are more conversant with other languages, specially English as their languages are different.
They are more cultured.
You can see that the human index of Kerala state is far better than Portugal.
The living standards of the south people are higher when compared to North India.
The beauty in South, especially Kerala are,
Scenic beauty of nature, hill stations, enchanting beaches, backwater tourism, boating in house boats (special in Kerala), year round festivals, food availability for different cultures, availability of forest trekking, best budget hotels.
If you are a tour operator or guide this can be utilized for a better option or opportunity. I will help you in finding more.
I am also a person interested in traveling more. But being a government employee in India we have limitations, but I visited Thailand and Malaysia.
Within the mainland there are so many places for Indians to visit and I am visiting it one by one.
Hope that my message may help you.
Augustin K Antony.
meghan says
Hi Silvia
i’m wondering could i get your email address and ask you a question
The section about the luggage, I’ve bought the flights and the luggage is twice as dear as the flights. I do not know what to do.
Can i add luggage on directly with the airline if/ when i get the flight numbers direct.
or do i have to suck it up, and pay €85 for 1 20kg bag. With 2-3 bags
any help would be greatly appreciated. Nice blog, extremely motivational & helpful.
Meghan. x
Joseph B says
Quite the travels.
Though I am baffled… how did you go through Iran solo?
Do you have a U.S. passport or Norwegian, last I check you need a tour guy with you to travel in Iran.
Thanks in advanced, best of luck with your future endeavours.
Silvia says
I have a Norwegian passport, so I can get a visa on arrival at the airport and don’t need to travel with a tour guide.
brahim desertboy says
Hi Sylvia
I hope you have had a great adventure in our country, especially in the desert, welcome here anytime.
Carol says
Have you ever met any Kinbergs in Trondheim? My son is visiting and would like to connect with relatives tomorrow ! My great grandfather had an in on the river in the late 1800s and early 1900s it is on the Kingshighway and supposedly there still a structure there ?I would love for my son to visit there or see it if possible and so it would be good if he had some kind of local to guide him where to go to find the homestead!!
Thanks! I love your blog site!!
Nada Alaleeli says
I read your blog ! its just amazing and I learn many things ;
if you want to visit DUBAI . feel free to contact me 🙂 please !
Cindy Ooi says
9 seniors , 2 males & 7 females will be flying to Norway from 2 Oct – 12 Oct, 2019. We shall be renting a van. Please recommend budget clean hostels & most important, where to visit.
Thanks a million.
Cindy Ooi 66 years old
Marilia says
When I read “80 countries”, I was wondering “what was left behind?”, then I saw the map. You have a lot do in Latin America! Im from Brazil and of course, I suggest you ti visit my country, but also Peru, Chile…
Jen says
I’m guessing she doesn’t check this blog that often anymore? I was curious how she manages to live and work in Norway if she’s originally from the USA. I would love to live & work in Sweden, but the visa requirements and process is prohibitive.
Silvia says
As I say on this page, I’m a Norwegian citizen 🙂
Jen says
Ah, must have missed that! Thanks!
Beth says
I love your post about moving to Norway! Living there permanently is a dream of mine. I’m a massage therapist in the US but I’m guessing those skills wouldn’t transfer to Norway!
Is it really possible for a US citizen to move to a small town in Norway, get a job, and stay permanently?
Thank you!!!
Silvia says
You would need to get a job within your degree – so I guess as a massage therapist. I’m not sure of the demand here, but maybe it’s possible?
Beth says
Oh my gosh, thank you for responding!
I don’t suppose you know what the requirements are for massage in Norway…. LOL
I should probably start learning Norwegian so I can look at Norwegian websites….
Deb O’Neil says
Hi Silvia! I’m loving your travel blogs and the way you include the extra information and links to where you purchased your winter woollies!
I want to buy ice grips but am unsure about which brand to buy . Any suggestions?
oyoyinc says
I am happy that you enjoyed traveling to Iran, more travel post Thanks for sharing
Julie says
Hej Silvia,
Love your site!
I’m a travel blogger and recently found your site as I’m planning a trip to Telemark to meet a friend in late March. I’m going to be reading a lot about Norway on your site over the next week or so, but though I’d reach out and say hello.
Also, if your around, it may be cool to meet and compare travel stories. Hopefully that doesn’t sound creepy in any way!
Silvia says
I live in northern Norway now so I can’t meet up, but have a lovely trip!
Daoud says
Hi, I am Dauod and I really like your blogs. Thanks for sharing all this useful information.
Paul Hardyman says
Hi Silvia,
I loved your central asian blog and the fact that you sought out the more remote places.
Im in Australia and planning a post Covid self drive trip through central asia with friends (ideally camping on the roof of a 4×4 Land Cruiser for example). Ive done a similar thing twice in southern africa and intend to take the back roads and dirt tracks into the remotest areas of Central Asia we can find if we can. We would take maybe 3-4 months. Im having difficulty finding anywhere in eastern europe or central asia to rent off road vehicles set up for such a trip. Are you able to steer me towards any rental companies. Maybe in Turkey or ??? to start our trip.
Thanks so much Silvia
Sarah says
I previously planned a trip to Iceland for my dad & I. It was a great trip but, while I like planning the details at the end, I found out I get very stressed initially putting together the high level plan as there’s so many great options/suggestions out there & it’s hard to choose. We’d like to take a trip to Norway in the next year. Would you be willing to put together a high plan if I told you what my dad & I liked to do, duration, etc? (for a fee, of course!)
Silvia says
I don’t offer that service, but I think does!
Sabrina says
Hi Silvia
Just wanted to say “thank you* for your wonderful website! Just finished browsing through the Mallorca section and making notes!
Happy travels from a fellow addict (Anglo-Swiss 🙂
Arthur Gopak says
Hi Silvia,
Thanks for your wonderful work, I discovered your blog today and marked quite a few spots on Google Map thanks to your Mallorcan trip. 🙂
Keep up the great work and greetings from your neighbour across the pond.
Arthur from Amsterdam
Zoran says
we’re a couple taking a cruise and I was wondering if you can recommend some locals in Molde and Bergen who could give us a 3-4 walking or vehicle tours while we are there.
Kelsie says
I’m planning a 10 trip to Norway with my husband in late September (coming from Minnesota). Your blog and e-books have been ESSENTIAL to my planning. Thank you so much!
I have one pivotal question that I’d love your input on. We plan to spend most of our trip around Lofoten, but I really want to see a fjord. Do you think it would be doable to start our trip in Alesund for ~1.5 days so we can take a 4 hour Hjørundfjord cruise and then fly to Bodo to start our northern Norway adventure for the remaining ~8 days?
Silvia says
Yes, I think that’s a great idea! Lofoten does have fjords, but not like the majestic fjords in the south. And Ålesund is a beautiful city as well.
SonjaSMS says
Hello I love your website. How do you create the interactive map (of the world and of Northern Europe, where you can click on the countries and regions) as seen on the about you page? I am holding an essay and have been trying to find a map like this for a long time! Is there a name or a link where I can find more information about how to create and embed a map like this?
Thank you for the information