I've visited Strasbourg several times over the years, but my past three visits to the city definitely were the best because I was shown around by people who live there. And those people just so happen to be my parents! My parents moved to Strasbourg at the end of 2019. ...
15 Nordic Inspired Holiday Gifts
While I've already shared a Norwegian gift guide, I thought I could also share a gift guide inspired by the entire Nordic region. I'm always talking about how living in Scandinavia taught me to love cold, dark winters. People up here really do know how to winter. So what ...
14 Norwegian Gifts (That You Can Order Online)
I love spending Christmas in Norway and am so excited for the coming month of festivities here. But even if you won't be coming to Norway this Christmas you can still add a bit of Norway to your Christmas at home. I've also put together a list of Nordic gifts to give to ...
Dog Sledding in Norway
Having lived in Northern Norway for over four years, I now get so many questions from people planning winter trips to Norway to see the northern lights. And after telling them my picks for the best places in Norway to see the northern lights, I always stress one thing: make sure ...
Driving Trollstigen – Norway’s Most Famous Road
Trollstigen will be closed for upgrading for the rest of 2024. You know I love to road trip around Norway, and since getting a dog a few years ago I almost only travel by car so I can take Alfie along with me. And now after eight years living in Norway, it feels like I've ...