This trip was sponsored by JNTO Autumn is my favorite time in Japan, not only because the trees turn different colors and the mountains top with white, but because the temperature drops to much more bearable degrees after a long hot summer so that you can actually go outside and ...
What to Pack for Guyana – Everything I Wish I Had Brought
I wouldn't say I'm the best packer, because I usually leave packing to around midnight the night before I leave on a trip, which probably isn't the best approach. But with the number of trips I take each month I've at least become very practiced at packing, to the point where I ...
5 Things We Could All Learn from Guyanese People
Visiting Guyana was the sort of trip where I saw lots of really incredible places, but it was also the kind of trip where I really felt like I learned something. I mentioned before that Guyana was a touch out of my comfort zone - or at least the 8 days I spent in the ...
6 Incredible Places You’ll Only Find in Guyana
I returned from Guyana last week, and I'm still in a sort of dreamy haze from the trip. Like whenever anyone has asked me how my time visiting Guyana was, I just get this silly smile on my face. It was lovely. Except for the bug bites. I keep waking Dan up in the middle of the ...
When the Whole World Begins to Feel the Same
There’s something I’ve been struggling with for quite a while, and today I’m feeling brave so I’m finally going to address it: after traveling so much, everywhere is starting to kind of feel the same. Aaand cue the eye roll. I know, this is like the dumbest first world ...