Good morning from a very snowy Rauland! It had been snowing heavily every day since I came home from Finland on Saturday, but today the sun came out and it is gorgeous. It's supposed to be sunny for the next few days now, so I'll definitely try to get out and take some photos, ...
I’m Jealous of Finland And The Reason Is Turku
It's funny sitting down to write this post, because after spending a couple of weeks in Helsinki last year I kept saying how jealous I am of Finland's ultra hip yet somehow also totally laidback capital city. I mean, I like Oslo just fine, but I secretly (maybe not so secretly) ...
Life in Norway: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly (VIDEO)
I just returned from Finnish Lapland yesterday, and while I was super sad to live Finland, it was lovely being greeted by a winter wonderland here in Rauland! Apparently it pretty much snowed nonstop over the two weeks I was gone. And now it looks so beautiful! I have so much ...
19 Ways I’m Not a Real Traveler
A few weeks ago I got a message from a reader who said that she's just embarked on a three-month backpacking trip, and she's having some trouble fitting in with the other backpackers at her hostel. You see, instead of hitting one of the main tourist trails, she had opted for a ...
The Best Cure for Those Post-Holiday Blues
I know a lot of people secretly look forward to the end of the holidays, but I'm not one of them. I always feel so sad waking up on December 26th, and I don't think I've ever managed to take down Christmas decorations without shedding a quick tear or two. But this year was ...