While most of my blog audience isn’t interested in the business side of blogging, personally I love reading and talking about blogging, so I’ve started a blog series that I’ll be keeping separate from my regular content. You won’t see these posts featured on my home page or ...
2017 in 20 Wins and 17 Fails
It just occurred to me that if I keep writing this same annual round-up post into the 2020s I'll start recording more fails than wins each year, and aren't we supposed to get better at life with age? Or is it that we learn not to worry so much about achieving those wins and ...
Top 20 Best Things to Do in Tokyo, Japan
This is a guest post written by Umesh Joshi Tokyo is a beautiful city to visit as it has two different sides to marvel at: it's so highly technologic, modern and chaotic but, at the same time, it has a hidden and more intimate historical side made up of beautiful temples, ...
It’s Perfect, Somewhere
I just had a look back through old December blog posts from years gone by, and I see a bit of a trend. This time of year always has me thinking about the same thing: perfection. What can I say, I really love Christmas, and if there's any time of the year that life is perfect, ...
Visiting the Oslo Christmas Markets (+ A Video!)
I love living in the mountains, but the only annoying thing is that the buses to Oslo run so rarely that it can be difficult to catch a flight without leaving for Oslo a day early. Sure enough, when I checked the bus schedule last week I realized that I'd have to leave Rauland ...