Midsummer has now come and gone - well, at least the lightest day of the year part of midsummer. I'm still hoping that the beautiful warm weather part of summer is still ahead, because right now it is cold. I've fished my woolen sweaters out from beneath the pile of sundresses ...
11 Reasons I Secretly Wish I Were Scottish
I returned from Scotland over a month ago and I'm still writing about it? I know what you're thinking, and you're right. I'm obsessed. I mean, I don't just love Scotland, I want to be Scotland. Or, you know, Scottish. Because: 1. Everyone in Scotland is the friendliest person ...
An Interview with Ashley of Curious Provence
I first really got into reading blogs while I was living on Tanegashima, a tiny island in southern Japan. I think I mostly was reading Norwegian fashion blogs, because I had decided that maybe I should start learning Norwegian, but I also read a few blogs in English as well, for ...
Off the Path: Greenland
One of the main reasons I chose Trondheim as my new Norwegian home last summer was that I wanted to have easier access to the Arctic (actually living in the Arctic was something I wasn't quite ready for yet though). I've now long since left Trondheim, but I'm still longing to see ...
An 11 Day Scotland Island Hopping Itinerary You Should Steal
Catriona and I packed a lot into our 11 days in Scotland. But one of the great things about the Hebrides is that most of the islands are so small, even after only a couple of days on one I could leave feeling like I had really seen it. I mean, there's only so far you can drive ...