The sun set at 8:15 last night, which I'm pretty sure means it's already summer now? Except that outside still looks like this: Ah Norway, how you mess with me! But while I was uncharacteristically grumpy about the fresh foot of snow that was dumped on Rauland last ...
The Longest Easter in the World? (It’s in Norway)
There are lot of bizarre aspects of Norwegian culture, and a lot of them have me shaking my head in frustration with this country. But luckily I'm happy to jump on board with most of Norway's peculiarities. Tinned fish for breakfast? Yes please! Toddlers on skis? That's some ...
Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Spring
Spring is in the air and all I want to do is sleep. Wait, what? I know, I know, spring is supposed to be all about waking up from that winter slumber with a renewed life energy, but what can I say, I'm no brown bear and I definitely didn't spend my winter in hibernation. ...
7 Asian Photo Habits that Stick
You might have seen the Expedia blog post going around lately tracing a timeline of photography trends over the past 15 years. Ah what a trip through memory lane! Like, remember when planking was a thing? And playing dead in photos? And the duck face? Though there were a few ...
How I Saved $44,000 to Travel the World
I hadn't planned on ever writing this post, but when my friend sent me a one-line email reading "I don't understand your life" I realized that it might be time for an explanation. I mean, if I were reading about a twenty-something's jaunts around the globe I would definitely be ...