Oh hey, blog, I remember you! It's not that I've been meaning to ignore you, it's just that I've been distracted. By what, you ask? All the cabin things. Dan and I moved into my grandmother's cabin in Rauland on Tuesday, which was also when we started our super ...
December 2015 – 5 Months in Norway
Usually when I write these monthly recaps I go on about how the past month just flew by, and can we believe it's over already? Uh, not this month. And I don't mean that in a "it was so boring time crept by painfully slowly" way, but instead it felt like at least three months ...
2015, How Did You Do That?
Happy 2016! My family celebrated at my grandmother's home in Bø, which was positively magical. In recent years I guess I always felt too cool to stay home for New Year's and have instead gone off to places like Edinburgh and London to celebrate with friends, so I had forgotten ...
Holiday Greetings from My New Home!
A lot of places saw an unusually warm Christmas this year - my parents said it was nearly 70 degrees in Massachusetts! - and much of Norway was no exception. Trondheim was snowy when I left and Bø was snowy when I arrived, but by Christmastime all that snow had been rained away. ...
The Best (and Weirdest) Norwegian Christmas Traditions
Wait, it's already December 21? Forget blogging, I need to go downtown and buy some wrapping paper! Then again, I still have a cup of hot chocolate to finish, so I guess I could stay for a bit. Plus, I have photos of Christmas cookies to share and Norwegian Christmas ...