When I said farewell to Alicia and Bryce in Mongolia I knew I'd be seeing them soon somewhere. And sure enough, five months later they turned up on my grandmother's doorstep in Norway! My grandmother lives in Bø, Telemark, which though boasting Norway's biggest water park might ...
Travel Superlatives
On our way from our old home in Thailand to our new home in Norway, Dan and I traveled through twenty countries. I guess you could say we took the scenic route. Ah ha ha. Yes, there were many (more) bad jokes made, bad travel days suffered, bad food eaten, and bad games ...
Summer in Trondheim
When Dan and I first arrived in Trondheim a few weeks ago, it was cold. Like, really cold. Like, the end of July and 50 degrees out. Not only that, but it rained every single day. It was a little alarming, but I grew to accept that this new home of mine would simply always be ...
70 Countries Later, I Choose Norway
Just about exactly one year ago, I wrote a post titled I Choose Travel. At the time, I was enrolled in a master’s program at Aarhus University in Denmark, which was due to start in a couple of weeks. But I had just realized that I had chosen to study for all of the wrong reasons, ...
Croatia, Why So Boring?
It was me, Croatia, not you. I had been obsessed with visiting Croatia for a weirdly long time. Weird because it’s in Europe so it really shouldn’t have taken me so long to get there. But it did. The obsession started when I was maybe ten years old and visiting Prague with my ...