Last year when my sister quit her job to write romance novels full time and was looking for a cheap city to live in I suggested she move to Sarajevo. I had heard that Bosnia and Herzegovina is stunning, and Sarajevo has a wonderful European feel to it. She didn't take my ...
6 Simple Tips for Camping on the Drina (Serbia + Bosnia)
1. Hitchhike to a campsite. While it was hard to tear myself away from my beloved Belgrade, I was also eager to see a bit of the Serbian countryside. As we were heading to Bosnia and Herzegovina next, Tara National Park near the Bosnian border sounded perfect! We camped for ...
Belgrade: Never Gonna Leave
This time last year Danielle and I were on a flight to Athens. We were seated next to a friendly college student from Pennsylvania who was on his first #EUROTRIP (sorry but I'm pretty sure that's only allowed to be written in all caps with a hashtag). Sadly he didn't get a chance ...
The Last Time I Follow Dan Up A Romanian Mountain
When I think Romania, I think vampires mountains, so I couldn't wait to pull on my hiking boots and explore them for a few days! After about a billion Google Image searches Dan and I decided that Piatra Craiulu National Park has the prettiest peaks so we stuck out our thumbs and ...
Wait. Is Travel Blogging Embarrassing?
In just a few weeks Dan and my travels will be coming to an end (I'm still blogging about Romania, but this post is coming to you live from Kosovo!) as we head up to Trondheim and try to find an apartment and grown up jobs. What does that mean for this blog? I'll be in the ...