Some of you guys have shrewdly observed that I’m now traveling with a boy. What?! I know, it’s a change. Now I no longer have to ask strangers to help me lift my bag into absurdly high luggage compartments, I have access to an iPod with good music (his, not mine), and not ...
Trans-Siberian: Failure in Krasnoyarsk
After visiting Lake Baikal, Dan and I caught the overnight train to Krasnoyarsk. This post isn’t really going to be about Krasnoyarsk though, because the only two photos I have of the city are of a snowman and a ferris wheel. We Couchsurfed in Krasnoyarsk with a very ...
Standing on Lake Baikal – the Deepest Lake in the World
Oh Lake Baikal, the deepest lake in the world, how can I begin to describe you? As in any modern love story, I first discovered you on the Internet (Pinterest to be exact), and then when I realized I'd be passing your neighborhood on my way through Siberia I thought I might as ...
Tran-Siberian: Ulan Ude to Irkutsk!
I had mixed feelings about Mongolia (probably entirely due to being sick during my time there) so I was very excited to cross the border into Russia. But I wasn't prepared for quite how giddy finally being in Russia would make me. I couldn't stop smiling, and already by my second ...
Mongolia in Winter Is Actually Pretty Crazy
Would you take a Mongolia holiday in the winter? This is what it's like! The Mongolian countryside is seriously beautiful. That’s my big revelation from two weeks of travel in Mongolia. Okay I know that won’t be big news to anyone, but I just wanted to let you guys know, if ...