I did my visa run in Laos this past summer at the height of the Thai crackdown on tourist visas, and I was a little nervous that I wouldn't be let back into the country. Plus, I had unwisely chosen to stand in line for a very stern looking immigration officer wearing dark ...
Oh You Pretty Places, in Autumn
While I've spent the past week at a beach that pretty much matches the textbook definition of "paradise," I've found myself totally craving cooler weather. Is that crazy? Growing up in New England, fall was always such a magical time of year, with crisp air and woolen tights, ...
Polaroids from Kuala Lumpur (and NOT Melaka)
After making a narrow escape from Penang, I had eight days left in Malaysia. I had planned to spend some time in Kuala Lumpur and then go down to Melaka for the weekend. But when I arrived in KL after a teary bus ride I felt something I wasn't used to: I wanted to stay ...
Kidnapped in Penang
Dear Parents, Please don't read this blog post. I promise I'll have a new one up in a few days, okay? Thanks, I love you! xxoooo Silvia On my last morning in Penang I was eating breakfast with Shilpa, an Indian girl staying in my dorm, and she surprised me ...
Go to the Streets! In George Town, Penang
I had high expectations for George Town, the historic capital city of the Malaysian island of Penang. I had only heard raves about its laid back atmosphere and UNESCO worthy sites, and I could not wait to eat my weight in Indian food. But after loving the big city lights and ...