I haven't been blogging much about Chiang Mai because frankly, there are SO many travel blogs out there covering this city. I mean, it's no secret that Chiang Mai, with its expat comforts and low cost of living, is a favorite base for not only travel bloggers but all sorts of ...
Confessions of a Shy Backpacker
I've done a fair bit of solo travel - from moving to Japan and living alone on a teeny tiny island in the middle of nowhere, to backpacking through Central Europe and then moving to a small town in Thailand, to most recently traveling solo through Iran and the Caucasus. People ...
A Stop Along the Silk Road in Kashgar, China
With its lucrative production of silk, China always functioned as the beating heart of the ancient Silk Road, sending goods to places as far away as Europe and Africa. The silk trade was so important to China that the Han dynasty even extended the Great Wall to the western edge ...
Oh You Pretty Places, 2
I'm always on the lookout for pretty places to add to my bucket list, and I loved reading everyone's favorite picks from my last Pretty Places post, so I'm thinking of making this a regular fortnightly series. (Please shout at me in the comments if you hate the idea!) I've ...
Chiang Mai’s Tastiest Market
I'm not a morning person at all, something which not having a regular nine to five job has perhaps let get a little out of hand. Snooze? Yes please! But on Friday mornings in Chiang Mai I've been known to hop out of bed as early as 6 am. Why? To eat Shan noodles at the ...