This post was written together with Danielle and also appears on her blog The Roaming Coconut. Think Albania. What comes to mind? Drug-addicted sex slaves? Then you’ve probably seen Taken. Luckily our experience with Albanians wasn’t quite like the Hollywood movie. ...
Passportless on the Albanian Riviera
If you were following the news in the 90s, a. you’re old (apparently so am I) and b. you probably remember Albania as a war-torn and closed off country, once under the tight control of a brutal dictatorship. Luckily, the Albania we experienced in 2014 couldn’t have been ...
16 Hours in Belgrade
This post was written together with Danielle and also appears on her blog The Roaming Coconut. After two weeks traveling through Israel, it was time to go somewhere new. I was already obsessed with visiting the Balkans and Danielle really wanted to go to Greece, so ...
Surfing in Palestine
Having grown up amidst continuous news headlines featuring the Israel-Palestine conflict, I rarely hear "Israel" without thinking of Palestine. So of course I wasn't going to spend two weeks in Israel without making a trip to Palestine (or the West Bank if you prefer - I'm not ...
11 Ways to Backpack Israel on Less Than $20 a Day
I have always been interested in traveling to Israel, even though I had heard that the country is incredibly expensive and almost impossible to travel through on a tight budget. But after a couple of weeks there, I learned that thanks to amazing Israeli ...