I already posted my usual year recap post, but since 2016 wasn’t exactly a standard year – on both a personal and global level – I’ve decided to write one more reflection.
For me 2016 was a year of a few pretty massive changes, some exciting developments, a few things that fill me with pride, and a few straight up embarrassments. I don’t know, but I feel like I’m definitely ending the year as a bit of a different person than who I started it as. I think it’s a good thing, though on some levels it all just feels a bit bizarre.
And if this seems to similar to my last 2016 reflection post, just skip to the end for the exciting bit!
Living in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere
At 1,000 meters high with about as many residents, four hours from an airport, and on the edge of Europe’s greatest mountain plateau, this is an incredibly random place for me to have made a home.
Except the cool thing is, it’s really not random at all. Rauland is where my grandparents first met (though they soon moved away from here) and several of my mother’s cousins live here. It’s the first time in my life I’ve lived near extended family, and there’s something truly lovely about it.
Working at a supermarket
Again, this one is really random and definitely never featured on any of those life plans I’ve drafted over the years.
Living without an indoor toilet
Travel is forever showing me how adaptable we humans are – like how every time I leave on a big backpacking trip the idea of spending several months sleeping in dorms and surfing random couches seems exhausting, but in reality it never is. Constantly being on the move becomes totally normal to me.
And the same thing has happened with the outhouse.
Skipping summer
Okay, I did it in 2016, but I don’t want to make a habit of this. I’ve never been much of a summer person, but a year without any summery weather was just a bit depressing.
Wishing I were Scottish
I’ve always been obsessed with all things Norwegian, so it was a bit of a surprise when I found myself intensely wishing I was from a different country – Scotland!
Traveling with my parents again
My travel bug comes 100% from my parents, but it had been years and years since we had traveled together. I loved changing that this year!
Connecting with distant relatives
I will definitely remember 2016 as the year I started getting to know my Norwegian family better. I love living near my mother’s cousins, and am now constantly asking them questions about my grandfather.
Squeezing a whole lot of travel in around my work schedule
While I did travel a ton while working full-time in Japan, it was nice to be reminded again that you don’t have to be a permanent nomad to get a lot of travel in!
Enjoying Norwegian TV
Okay, Norwegian television is the most bizarre thing ever, so it’s a little shocking to find myself enjoying it more and more. What’s happening to me?
Breathing in when I say yes
Again, what is happening to me?? 17 more habits to go and I’ll be a real Norwegian!
Washing my clothes by hand
You know how I said earlier that people can quite easily adapt to most living conditions? Never mind that – hand washing my clothes is always going to be a chore I loathe.
Though come to think of it, I’ve never been a big fan of doing laundry.
I think all my friends LOLed at this one, because vlogging is just so not me. I did Vlogmas because it seemed like it would be a good crash course in video making, but guys, I actually really enjoyed it! I think I’ll still vlog every once and a while – especially on my travels.
Dreaming fairly consistently in Norwegian
I feel like my Norwegian is still quite awful, but now about half of my dreams are in Norwegian, so maybe that counts for something? I think it really just depends if I’ve been speaking English or Norwegian right before bed.
Having lucid dreams
Okay this is totally random, but speaking of dreams, I’ve started having lucid ones. And once it happened I started having them quite often, which has been so weird, and trippy, and fascinating.
Making enough money blogging to live in Norway
Blogging has always been a hobby for me and in fact in the past I’ve been quite vocal about not wanting to become a professional blogger. So it felt like some sort of weird and maybe even terrible accident when my paychecks from blogging work started rivaling those from my “real job.”
In so many ways it was something I had never wanted, but then on the other hand, I put so much time and energy into this blog, so wouldn’t it actually make the ideal career?
It would.
Well, except for that final thing that I started doing in 2016:
Loving working at a supermarket
You know how at the top of the list I mentioned starting to work at a supermarket? That was supposed to be one of the lol totally random and silly things I started doing this year. Like, when I started it was purely a means to more quickly learn Norwegian and earn an easy income while setting up my life in Norway. I mean, I didn’t spend four years at university so that I could end up at a supermarket.
Seriously, that’s a thought that went through my head earlier this year. Ugh, cringe.
But once the snob in me got over herself I realized that this was in fact my favorite job I’ve ever had. Way better than those years as a private tutor, philosophy TA, high school teacher, NGO research assistant, and whatever else I used to do largely because it sounded cool or impressive.
I love working in the center of our small town, where I get to chat with locals all day. The people I work with have become some of my favorite people in the world, and I have the kindest and most laid back bosses a girl could wish for.
And this all meant that in autumn 2016 I found myself in an odd position: torn between the possibility of turning my favorite hobby into a career and an unexpected desire to continue at a job that I had never intended to care about.
When I was in Andorra with my mother I kept going through the pros and cons of each, and she couldn’t seem to see a solution either. Working part-time at a shop was the perfect balance to blogging, as it took financial pressure off of my beloved hobby and was a nice social balance to the sometimes lonely nature of blogging, but then I was also constantly having to say no to fun opportunities because of my day job that, let’s be honest, wasn’t really going anywhere.
And then GoPro invited me to Mallorca for the launch of their new camera and I was really sad to turn down the trip and my mom was like… “it sounds like you’re missing out on some things you really want to do.”
So… in 2017 I will start:
Blogging full time
At least I’m going to try it out and see whether or not it’s something I want to do.
I’m still going to work as extra help at the supermarket, but mostly come January I’ll just be hanging out over here.
It’s totally weird that I’ve been so hesitant to make this step, as the supermarket has already said they’ll happily take me back in the future if I want, but I think part of me is secretly scared that I’m going to irreversibly ruin my blog by making it my job.
So guys, don’t let me do that, okay?
I really don’t want to mess this up because I love blogging more than anything in life – well, besides my family and my friends and Dan and mountains and chocolate and airports and Tajikistan and a few other things – but blogging is way up there!
One of the great things about having a well paying part-time job outside of blogging is that it has made it very easy to say no to any paid projects that I didn’t think were a perfect fit. And I do think that will continue to be the case, since if I ever am tempted to compromise I can always instead pick up some extra shifts at the supermarket.
Ugh, so many feels!
Sorry for that, but now you’re all up to date on what’s going on with me!
Now I would love to hear your plans and goals for 2017 xx
LC says
Haha, bizarre but ultimately fulfilling? I have to say, I can’t imagine loving working at a supermarket. I did it for two years in my youth, but it was for a large, soulless, corporation that certainly didn’t have a small town vibe to it. Good luck with the blogging professionalism!
Silvia says
Yeah I think the only reason I enjoy it so much is because it’s a small town. Definitely hadn’t expected to love supermarket work though!
Annika says
Best of luck! Sounds like you have a great safety net 🙂
Silvia says
Yeah, it’s really silly that I was so torn about this, because really either way I should be fine.
Annika says
Not silly! But good to take a step back and realise it’s probably going to be ok no matter what 😉
Rachel says
Amazing! Good luck in ’17 Silvia, you’ve totally got this! ❤
Silvia says
Hope so!
Kyomi (Wading Wade) says
Aww this was a lovely post. Best of luck, I have a very good sense that you will be absolutely fine! It was lovely to meet you this year, have a lovely New Years!
Silvia says
Thanks, it was lovely meeting you too!
Rachel Taylor says
So excited that you have made such a big decision! Can’t wait to see where 2017 will take you. Happy new year!
Silvia says
Thanks, Rachel, and thanks for helping to push me into “going bigger” with my blog!
Joella says
Yay! I’m thrilled for you and you going full time blogger. I think it will all work out really great and it’s nice to know you can go back to the supermarket if you want. Sounds like the perfect scenario. Well as for me, our baby is 5 and a half weeks old now so 2017 will mostly be about looking after her 😍. No other plans at the moment but hopefully a trip back home to the UK. Happy New Year!
Silvia says
Oooh congratulations, Joella! I think you win with the best 2016 news 🙂 Hugs to your little girl xx
Nynke says
For a moment there, I was genuinely worried you would leave us for the supermarket. So glad you’re not! Happy blogging in 2017, and I hope you have a ton of fun inside and outside Rauland! Now, off to watch your last Vlogmas video…
Silvia says
Haha close call there! And thanks for your Christmas message too – I’ve been horrible with responding to emails, but do appreciate them so much!
Diana says
It looks like you had such an eventful year! Living in a cabin looks like such a unique experience, and it’s lovely that you travelled with your parents again. Wishing you all the best for 2017 xo
Silvia says
Thanks, and same to you!
Ray says
If you have the opportunity to take blogging and turn it into a full time career, then do it! The fact that the supermarket is supporting your in your personal goals is something you shouldn’t take for granted. How many other full time bloggers can say they have something to fall back on if blogging doesn’t work out for them? Nothing ventured is nothing gained. And if it turns out that full time blogging isn’t for you, then quit and return back to your old job. You can still always making blogging a hobby again!
Silvia says
That’s so true, I have such a good safety net!
Alissa says
Really nice post! Blogging full time works well for some people and not for others – I think it’s a great opportunity for you and, as you are well aware, can always go back to the supermarket if things don’t work out how you want them to. But in the meantime having your work online means that you should get to take advantage of lots more travel opportunities. Seems like a win-win situation. I’m looking forward to continuing to follow your blog in 2017 and seeing how blogging full time works out for you! Happy new year 🙂
Silvia says
True, I can do a lot more traveling this year! I’m still unsure of how full time blogging will work for me, but it’s exciting to at least try out.
Maddy says
This was such an interesting post, I’m glad you’re going to try out full time blogging because your work is really excellent, but ultimately you have to do what you feel is best for you! It might take a bit of playing around, but eventually you’ll find the balance you’ve been looking for! And it’s great that your work is so supportive that they’ll take you back if you decide it doesn’t work out. Seems more or less like a win/win for you! Good luck and happy new year 🙂
Silvia says
Exactly, I think I just need to figure out what balance will work best!
Justine says
I think that is so exciting Sylvia! I can’t wait to see how it all pans out, but something tells me it’s going to work out just fine 😉 Good luck and Happy New Year!!
Silvia says
Thanks, Justine, I’m glad you think so!
Kate - Travel for Difference says
You’ve done amazing things this year! Lucid Dreaming fascinates me so much, but is also quite terrifying at the same time. Enjoy what life brings you, take in every moment. Happy New Year X
Silvia says
Lucid dreaming really is the weirdest. But so cool too!
Amy says
I just recently discovered your blog and I love it! I think you’ve definitely made the right decision to work on the blog full-time, you can always go back to the supermarket if you want/need to. Good luck with everything in 2017, I’m sure it’s going to be great and I’m looking forward to following your adventures 🙂
Silvia says
Thanks, it’s nice to hear people think it’s the right choice! Happy New Year 🙂
Adri Duarte says
I have full faith in you. You’re gonna do great 😀 Maybe someday I can be a digital nomad too :p
Silvia says
Thanks, that’s really reassuring!
Fenne says
Good luck and happy new year 🙂
I’m also a new home in a new country- but Sweden 🙂
Silvia says
Oh that’s exciting! Good luck to you too then 🙂
Camila @ AdventitiousViolet says
Great list, super interesting to hear about things that you thought were bizarre for you! I wash some of my clothes by hand and I hate it lol. Living in a tiny cabin sounds amazing and cosy! Also, I skipped the summer this year too (technically I don’t think summer ever truly arrives in Scotland lol) and I hated it. Oh gosh, I need me some heat and sun if only for a week lol
Silvia says
Right? I was surprised skipping summer did such a number on me, but it really did!
Megan | Red Around The World says
So exciting! And I would love to live in a little log cabin! It definitely looks adorable.
Silvia says
It is very quaint!
Renee from Renee Roaming says
I loved reading this! That log cabin looks amazing and I agree about the Scotland wanderlust! I followed you on YouTube!
Silvia says
Aww thanks!
jennifer says
Full time blogging is THE dream. I am so happy you are going to go for it. It seems the perfect time for you, you have a backup job at the supermarket if it turns out you made a mistake. But I have a feeling it won’t end up being a mistake.
Best of luck to you!
Silvia says
Thanks, Jennifer, that’s so nice to hear!
Miriam says
Wow, that cabin!<3 Looks amazing. And I completely agree with humans being adaptable – I's also living with an outhouse, sometimes we don't even have running water haha. But it works just fine, and I'm loving it! Looking at these pictures I am missing Scandinavia though… Plus I really, really, really want to visit Norway!