This giveaway is now closed.
My last post was a bit of a downer, so today I’m excited to share some happier news with you. To help kick off the holiday season, the sweet people at Jo Totes sent me a camera bag to try out, and when I told them how much I loved it they offered to give one to one of my readers as well!
I love my DSLR camera, but I have to admit that I haven’t treated it with the greatest care. The camera bag it came with is too small to fit anything other than the camera, and too bulky to easily fit in my purse or day bag. And who wants to be carrying an extra bag everywhere? That’s just asking for me to lose it. Instead I have usually just shoved my camera into my purse, totally unprotected. I figure it’s better to risk my camera getting banged up a bit than never to use it, though I imagine I’d be singing a different tune if I one day accidentally cracked the lens glass.
Luckily those days are behind me. I wanted a bag that could fit my laptop, camera, extra lens, tripod, and any other odds or ends that I might need on a day out, so I ordered the Besty camera + laptop bag. One of the things I particularly love about this bag is that it doesn’t look like a camera bag, so when I’m traveling no one can tell that I’m carrying around a lot of expensive gear.
I’ve only had the bag for a couple of weeks, but the quality is really nice and it seems like it will last along time.
The inside of the bag is all padded, with a special protective pocket for a laptop. It also comes with three foam inserts that velcro to the sides, so you can arrange them tightly around your lenses.
And now the fun part: I’ll be giving away a $100 Jo Totes gift card to one of you guys to buy a bag of your choice!
And don’t worry, Jo Totes ships to most countries, so this giveaway is open internationally. They ship from the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong, so people in most countries will get the bag in only a few days and at a low shipping cost. I had my bag delivered to Thailand, which usually takes forever but since they sent it from their Hong Kong distribution center it arrived in just a few days!
To enter the giveaway you can leave a comment, tweet about the giveaway, subscribe to Heart My Backpack either via email or Bloglovin’ (sign up in the green box in my right sidebar; the Bloglovin’ button is below it. If you’re already subscribed click enter and I’ll count you as well!), follow Jo Totes on Instagram, and/or visit my Facebook page.
The giveaway will end at 12:01 am (U.S. Eastern) on December 3 and then I’ll email the winner!
Jameela Deen says
Wow that’s a really nice bag, really looks handy. I don’t have much use for it and no address at the moment anyway but i’ll share your post around, i’m sure a lot of people would like to enter your contest. Well done.
Silvia says
Thanks, Jameela! It did feel like quite a luxury to have an address for once. This must have been the first time I’ve ordered something online in ages!
Nikita says
Wow, I love your bag! Perfect compartments.
Rachel says
I would love one of these bags! As for your question, I really enjoyed your last two posts, which gave a lot more personal insight into your life and how you got where you are today
Silvia says
I’m glad you enjoyed the personal posts, Rachel, sometimes I wonder if those sorts of posts are just totally boring for people who don’t know me!
niloufar says
I become your subscriber since you went to Iran ,.. your kind of thinking and also writing makes me think not all are ignorant
so happy to know you!
Best Regards,
Silvia says
That’s so nice to hear, Niloufar! My trip to Iran was life-changing in so many ways.
Ashley says
I’ve been looking for a nice bag to carry my camera and these bags look perfect!
Jessica says
This bag is so cute and love that it’s inconspicuous as well. Hope I win!
Nellie says
I’ve tried out at least a hundred camera bags and none has really worked for me. I’m using a LowePro bag that doubles as a hiking bag and a camera and laptop bag, but it’s always so heavy and I usually hate lugging it around everywhere I go. Would love to try out this new Betsy camera bag!
Silvia says
This bag is definitely great for casual days in a city. It’s basically just like the type of messenger bag I usually walk around with, except with padded inserts to protect my camera.
Ester says
I’ve been following your blog for a while now but only commented on your last blogpost on your time in Japan, which I appreciate a lot since it’s giving a personal insight which is honest. Not all travel experiences are 100 % fun, and I think it’s very good to admit that and be open about it.
Silvia says
Thanks, Ester. I did sort of wonder if people just don’t want to read about negative experiences, since it seems that blogs usually always focus on the positives, but after reading through the comments on my post on Japan I realized that so many expats have had similar experiences, so it’s definitely worth talking about!
Christine@ Apple of My Eye says
Holy cow, this is just what I need! I usually carry my lenses and body around in a regular ol Nikon bag, which just isn’t all that cute ;).
Marie @ Marie Away says
This bag is gorgeous! I am desperately in need of a new bag, I’ll definitely check these out. I love reading your blog because you are so open and honest about your travel experiences, and I will continue to follow along!
Silvia says
That’s so nice to hear, Marie! Sometimes I wonder if I’m tooo honest about my bad travel experiences, haha.
Polly says
I love that these don’t look like a typical camera bag!
Katie says
Dear Silvia,
I was just describing your thesis the other day to one of my philosophy friends, and remembered our lovely weekly tea parties with pleasure. Reading your blog is a wonderful way to stay caught up, and perhaps we could Skype soon too?
xo Katie
Silvia says
Katie! I’m so happy that you’ve been reading along! I would love to Skype sometime once I’m not on the road (maybe early January?!) though I would love to have another tea party even more! Those were the days (and thinking about my thesis now makes me realize what babies we were back then!).
Rebecca says
I really enjoyed reading your thoughts about moving to Japan.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Silvia says
It’s so interesting to me that so many people seemed to like that post. Maybe I need to write about darker things more often!
Martina Donkers says
Hey Silvia
Ooh, pretty!! That’s probably the nicest camera bag I’ve seen! I really like, as you say, how it doesn’t look like a camera bag. That’s something I always prefer for any sort of equipment bag.
Silvia says
Agreed. I definitely feel much more comfortable carrying around my camera in this bag, where no one knows what’s in it!
Karla says
Hi Silvia,
I really enjoy reading about your travels and adventures all over the world. I actually stumbled upon your blog because of my metaphysics professor, Prof. Lawrence. He gave it to me as a homework assignment because of my interest in travel and also to encourage me to visit the Philippines myself. (I am half Filipino and at the time, you were about to visit the Philippines) Since then I’ve been traveling vicariously through your blog! I am also a photographer and I have been looking for a great tote, especially for traveling!
Safe travels,
Silvia says
Um, what on earth is my father doing assigning my blog as homework?! Ah parents, haha. Though I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying reading about my travels, Karla! I really loved the Philippines and would love to explore more of it one day. Hopefully you will as well!
Cailee says
Great bag!! This is so cute and stylish!! BTW you look so pretty!! Love your outfit… and your blog!!
Hope that you have a happy day!!
Silvia says
Thanks, Cailee! I always feel so sweaty and gross in Thailand, haha.
Aine @ Awkward Irish Girl Blogs says
I loved your post on your time in Japan – I find a lot of travel bloggers tend to be positive no matter what happens so your honesty was really refreshing!
Silvia says
Thanks, Aine! It does sometimes worry me when travel posts are always super positive, because I definitely have a lot of lows while traveling as well! Maybe I’m doing something wrong, ha.
Rosie Marshall says
I’m in love with this bag. I think to be honest the chocolate bag you’re modelling is the best! Love it!
Melanie F says
Ohhh this bag is beyond perfect… kinda in love/lust with Miss Betsy! Lol) You are a real inspiration to me, btw, I loved your post on how you can afford to travel around the world!
Silvia says
So glad you enjoyed it, Melanie!
Taylor Hearts Travel says
Great competition! I included their bags in my feature on stylish camera bags, so am definitely a fan. X
Ariane Colenbrander says
Looks like a solid product! I like carrying my camera around in a bag that doesn’t draw attention to the fact that there’s actually a camera inside.
Silvia says
Agreed! It makes me feel so much more at ease.
karin s says
thanks for sharing ~ their bags look lovely, my favorite is the missy mint bag
tempesst says
would love to see a post about your 2015 travel plans!
Silvia says
Coming up! Right now my plans are sort of hanging on getting a Russian visa while in Norway over Christmas, but if that works out then I can start booking tickets! First stop will be Myanmar in mid-January
Antoinette says
Great giveaway. The Jo Totes are so stylish and a good camera bag is at the top of my x-mas list. I also really enjoyed your post about the confessions of a shy backpacker. I could totally relate.
Silvia says
It is SO nice having a camera bag I like – I really should have gotten one sooner. And I loved reading the comments on my shy backpacker post. It was such a comfort to see that I’m not the only awkward traveler out there, haha.
Leah says
I LOVE this bag! My favorite part is that it doesn’t look at all like a camera bag, which is definitely a useful feature for a traveler. Like you said, don’t want it to be so obvious that you’re carrying a lot of expensive things. OMG I want this so badly! I will definitely be taking advantage of Cyber Monday to replace my stolen DSLR, so I’m going to need something like this!
Silvia says
It’s so nice to now just be able to shove my camera in my everyday bag (which this has become) but not have to worry about it getting damaged anymore! So sorry about your stolen camera, but getting new one will be exciting! I already took advantage of the sales to upgrade my lens, woo!
Jenn Vargas says
Wow I love that this bag doesn’t actually *look* like a camera bag. Looks like a bag I’d carry around every day. fingers crossed!
Lindsay says
This looks like an awesome camera bag! Definitely would be a great bag to carry around my lenses.
Richelle @Adventures Around Asia says
I definitely need one of these bags. I do the same thing! I’m going to kill my DSLR one day. My camera bag is way too big so I bought a little purse that I put it in when I travel. It’s not even padded! Then for the day I sling it over my shoulder all day. So bad!
Silvia says
Yup, I’ve definitely casually swung my purse into a wall with my camera in it. So bad! It’s nice to not have to worry about it anymore.
Justine says
I’m so guilty of treating my dSLR like crap. My little camera bag only fits my camera, but it’s too bulky to fit in my purse. So I usually just end up wrapping my camera in a t-shirt or towel and throwing it in my purse. Lately, I’ve been starting to think that this probably isn’t the best way to care for my camera. I never enter contests but this bag looks perfect for me. Plus, I love that it doesn’t look like a camera bag. Wonderful giveaway!!
Silvia says
I’m so glad to see that I’m not the only one guilty of mistreating my camera! From the horror on my boyfriend’s face every time I pulled my camera out of my purse I really though it was just me, haha.
Jenna O says
Those bags are so lovely!:)
Emily says
On our trip we TOTALLY had the worst camera case EVER. It was huge and bulky, obvious and uncool. I think if we were to do it over that case would be the first thing we’d change. Yeesh!
Silvia says
Totally been there!
Sandra says
Thanks for the giveaway! I’d love a stylish camera bag — my current one is too large and inconvenient. Keeping my fingers crossed.
mediodiablo says
Hey, that girl shoots with a Nikon and carries a Canon lens in her tote! How does she do it? Haha
Silvia says
Haha I was wondering if anyone would notice! The photos of me were taken with my Canon, while I borrowed my friend’s Nikon as a prop, ha.
Victoria@ The British Berliner says
It looks like a lovely bag. Do they come in other colours?
P.S. I loved your post about Japan because every single person can relate to disappointment and fear. After all, we’re only human. I loved it!
Silvia says
They come in a bunch of colors! And I’m so glad to hear that people liked my post on Japan – I was very nervous about posting it.
Jenna says
Thanks for the opportunity! I’d love a Jo Totes bag for my new Nikon! My first DSLR!
Silvia says
I got my first DSLR earlier this year and it’s been so much fun to have!
sheri says
The bag looks lovely. Excited about this giveaway and finding your blog.
Carly Jor says
I really liked your Hitch Hiking in China post!!! I love traveling are you are such an amazing adventurous person!!! I would have totally been scared!!!!!! I’m so curious about CHina and I would love to travel there!
Silvia says
Aaah I had SO much fun hitch hiking in China! I hadn’t expected to love China as much as I did, but traveling there really was so amazing!
jennifer says
I have been having a horrible time situating myself on planes with my current bag set up. I have one bag that will just fit my laptop and camera, but nothing else. I have another bag that will fit both, but it was not meant to hold either, let alone both, so the bottom is starting to break.
PS: Your dad assigning your blog as reading material is so adorable.
Silvia says
Yeah, I definitely miss the days of traveling without a laptop and just with just a tiny point a shoot. And ugh, parents, haha.
jennifer says
My last trip was my first trip with a laptop and my first trip with a fancy camera. I just cannot get it worked out to where it’s not annoying carrying either thing.
Megan Kennedy says
I really enjoyed your Alone in Iran – What Was I Thinking?
I’m always on the search for a perfect camera bag, this one is practical and beautiful.
Amy says
Cute bag! I just got a case for my DSLR (I’d been lugging it around in a mini backpack a la 1998) but there’s really room for nothing else but my camera. I’d love to have a chic-er, roomier bag. Fingers crossed!
Silvia says
Haha last fall I was carrying my camera in my old 7th grade backpack!
Kaitlyn says
I recently started following your blog, but I’ve really enjoyed the unique voice you have. I’m glad I found your blog!
And I was going to put this bag on my Christmas wishlist, but if I win I won’t have to
Silvia says
Thanks, Kaitlyn, it’s so nice to get feedback like that!
Monica says
Gorgeous bag! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a Christmas present for myself!
Marianne says
I love how sleek and functional this bag is. And like you said, the best part is the fact that it really doesn’t look like there are tons of valuables inside!
Silvia says
It really does make me feel so much more comfortable carrying around a less conspicuous bag for my camera.
Beth says
I’m so picky about my laptop bags, but this looks like a great one! I love that it doesn’t actually *look* like a camera bag.
Nina Travels says
Oh wow, I just LOVE the bag and the fact you cannot even see, it is a camera bag! Perfect! Not to mention it is kind a fancy too, much better than a normal big camera backpack!
Melanie says
Never seen such a beautiful camera bag! My own camera bag is to small for all my lenses and it doesn’t look like a woman bag. I would love to win the giveaway!