And once again I'm staring at the calendar in awe - it's already December?! After a worrisomely warm November, at least it's starting to look like winter here. Well, for the short time it's light enough outside to see what it looks like. Actually this photos is sadly a ...
Off the Path: North Korea
Did I ever tell you guys about the time I randomly ended up in South Korea? It was towards the end of my second year living in Japan and one of my fellow JET teachers had just lost his job and wanted to bring his two cats back with him to the U.S. He told me this on a Friday ...
5 Norwegian TV Shows that Prove Norway is Crazy
Norwegian tv series are some of the oddest shows I've seen. In a good way? Read on... Trondheim turned into a winter wonderland this weekend with a fresh coat of sparkly snow (did you see my Instagram?), but something else wintry is happening here as well: it is getting dark. ...
Heart My Apartment
Ask and you shall receive! Like three months later, sorry about that. When I first moved to Trondheim a bunch of people asked to see apartment photos and I promised they would come, though I guess I secretly assumed that no one really wanted to see my home and everyone would ...
I Care More About Paris
To everyone on the Internet telling me to keep Paris in my heart: you don't need to tell me, it's already there. To everyone on the Internet reminding me that while the attacks in Paris are tragic, just as tragic things have recently happened in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and ...