I had a couple of posts planned for this week, but I don't think I'll be writing either of them. In fact I'm barely managing to dig my way out of the pile of tissues I'm buried under to write this. In my excitement about the start of winter I guess I managed to completely forget ...
October 2015 – 3 Months in Norway
October was my favorite month in Norway so far. Okay, I know I've only been here for three months, but it was the best. Then again I'm not sure how much that had to do with being in Norway specifically, as I was mostly just overjoyed to finally, after five autumn-less years in ...
Off the Path: Nagaland
Have you ever traveled somewhere that you just can't make your mind up about? For me that place is India. I spent part of a semester there as a student, but only really saw Delhi and Dharamsala in the north. Some of my closest friends are from India and I love so ...
The Lows Behind My Top 5 Travel Experiences
5 Ways Travel Will Change Your Life Why Every Woman Should Travel Solo At Least Once Buy A Plane Ticket and Begin Your Life I could go on with this list, but I think you get the point. They're the articles that pop up in our newsfeed and have us sighing with wanderlust, the ...
Half Expat
This is going to be one of my more random blog posts, but I feel like there's a little issue here that I have to address. Since moving to Norway this has become a bit more of an expat blog instead of purely about travel, which is something I'm excited about, as it means that I'll ...