The Country Kyrgyzstan The Place Arslanbob Why You Need to Visit One word: walnuts! But if one word isn't enough (or maybe you suffer from a nut allergy?), Arslanbob is a beautiful village nestled under the snowy cliffs of Mount Babash Ata (4,427 m). But most ...
That Bitter Expat Syndrome
Perhaps my last post was not exactly overflowing with positivity. Dealing with Internet companies is never fun, and trying to sort it out had me frustrated for weeks. Except by the end it wasn't just about the Internet anymore. It was Norway's fault we didn't have Internet, if ...
August 2015 – 1 Month in Norway
This is going to make me sound like the Grinch Who Stole Summer, but I had been dreading August for probably the past six months. I know, I know. Like, I know. Watermelon, beaches, suntans, picnics, swimming - summer is awesome! But what I find a little less awesome is times of ...
A Weekend in Stockholm!
One of my favorite things about living in Europe is how easy it is to pop over to other countries. Like when Dan and I returned from our time in the mountains and my Aunt Hege announced that we were all going to Stockholm for my grandmother's birthday weekend! And an 8 hour train ...
Travel Superlatives
On our way from our old home in Thailand to our new home in Norway, Dan and I traveled through twenty countries. I guess you could say we took the scenic route. Ah ha ha. Yes, there were many (more) bad jokes made, bad travel days suffered, bad food eaten, and bad games ...