I had heard raves about Romania's beautiful countryside, but still I found myself staring with open-mouthed awe when I arrived in Breb. It's just so hard to play it cool sometimes, especially in front of views like this: Much like our trip to Zdiar in Slovakia to stay ...
9 Reasons You Should Be Afraid To Visit Romania
Arriving in Romania seemed to mark a new phase of our trip. I guess it was starting to feel like the end, as after Romania we would only have the Balkan countries left before flying to Norway and unpacking our backpacks. Entering Romania also marked something exciting: my 70th ...
48 Hours in Budapest
Around this time last year, Danielle and I were hatching a plan to get out of Israel (for those who claim you need more than two weeks to explore the country *cough cough Danielle* you don't) and fly to Greece. When our flight included a 16-hour layover in Belgrade I Facebook ...
High Up in the Tatra Mountains – Slovakia
While hiking in Slovakia's High Tatras, I found my happy place. So much so, in fact, that Alicia had to email me to double check that I was still planning to move to Norway, because she thought I might have decided to stay in the Slovakian Tatra Mountains forever. That ...
Slovak Paradise and Spis Castle
I really didn't know too much about Slovakia before visiting, aside from a vague idea that it's full of mountains. But when our bus crossed the border from Ukraine and I found myself on a winding road through green hills dotted by colorful villages my heart rate raised to a ...