After spending several weeks visiting family and friends in the U.S., England, and Norway, I’ve once again left the people whom I love most in the world to hang out with strangers in strange places. Well, not exactly, but I have left, and I have to wonder: am I just being ...
New Blog, New Travel plans for 2014!
As many of you know, Danielle and I decided to go our separate ways for some solo traveling in the spring, before reuniting this summer in Israel. We had planned to continue blogging together on The Roaming Coconuts, however we quickly realized that sharing a blog from different ...
Into the Wakhan Valley: An Afternoon in Afghanistan
10 am, in the Wakhan Valley, Ishkashim The border guard adjusted the gun slung across his back and reached out to take our passports. "Do you speak Russian?" he asked. "Yes, a little" "We'll keep your passports with us here, and you can pick them up when you return to ...
The Pamir Highway, Tajikistan: A Hitchhiking Adventure
Traveling through Karakul, Murghab, and Khorog on the Pamir Highway, Tajikistan "How much money will we need to bring with us to Tajikistan" I asked the always-grumpy-but-secretly-nice manager at the Osh Guest House. "$800" Um, what? That was my entire budget for ...