I hadn't planned on ever writing this post, but when my friend sent me a one-line email reading "I don't understand your life" I realized that it might be time for an explanation. I mean, if I were reading about a twenty-something's jaunts around the globe I would definitely be ...
Wait. Is Travel Blogging Embarrassing?
In just a few weeks Dan and my travels will be coming to an end (I'm still blogging about Romania, but this post is coming to you live from Kosovo!) as we head up to Trondheim and try to find an apartment and grown up jobs. What does that mean for this blog? I'll be in the ...
Confessions of a Shy Backpacker
I've done a fair bit of solo travel - from moving to Japan and living alone on a teeny tiny island in the middle of nowhere, to backpacking through Central Europe and then moving to a small town in Thailand, to most recently traveling solo through Iran and the Caucasus. People ...