You guys, it’s October! Also known as the month of gorgeous falling leaves, blanket scarves, boots, pumpkin EVERYTHING, and Halloween! Wait, don’t tell me Halloween isn’t a thing in Norway…
My second month living in Norway was a bit more hectic than anticipated, largely because I ended up spending a good portion of it in the U.S.
Back in the U.S.A.
One of my besties got married in D.C. this month, and while I had originally planned to just fly over for the weekend (insane but practical?) I ended up extending the trip a bit. I flew into Boston and spent a week with my family in Massachusetts, and then Alicia and I drove down to D.C. for the wedding! This meant putting the job search on hold, but it was worth it to get to spend time with some of my favorite people. Plus, ugh, who really wants to look for jobs anyway?
I was a little disappointed to see that it was still summer in America because autumn in New England is one of the most magical things I know, but my dad quickly rectified this by taking me hiking on Mount Wachusett. Fall colors!
I hadn’t been to D.C. in ages, so it was fun to feel like a tourist in the U.S. We stayed in the most expensive hotel of my life, and while my wallet is still sobbing over it, it was really fun having a luxurious weekend of fancy dresses, best friends, champagne, and dancing.
Back in Trondheim
I felt quite giddy flying back over Norway (actually a lot giddy – like… something about drugs?) and was reminded just how beautiful Norway is. Sometimes I forget that I now live so close to so many mountains and fjords. Gazing out the plane window was a good reminder that I need to get out and explore Norway more while I’m here!
Though while I love to hike, I’m tempted to just book a bunch of domestic flights around Norway, because this might just be the best way to see Norway’s mountains and fjords, don’t you think?
The Serious Stuff
Employment: Who really needs a job anyway? Actually, this girl does. Since coming back to Trondheim I’ve come up with countless excuses to put off the job search, but eventually I’m going to just have to do it. I mean, I’m sure there are tons of cafés and restaurants in Trondheim looking for a waitress with questionable balance skills and almost okay Norwegian! At least I smile a lot – the cafeteria staff at my university even nicknamed me “Smiley.” Can I put that on a resume?
On the bright side, I’ve been totally raking it in with this blog! Ha okay that’s a lie, I made like… $500 this month. But that’s 500 dollars more than I made when my number one hobby was tap dancing.
It’s actually made me a bit tempted to just pick up some virtual assistant work to cover the rest of my expenses, especially as I’m on Pinterest all day anyway, but then I remind myself that I have never wanted to make blogging a career. It’s such a fun hobby, but I think it would make for a very stressful and draining job (for me). Plus part of the point of moving to Norway was that I could get a well-paying, low stress job that would leave me time to continue blogging as much (or little) as I want. And as Norwegians are very pro vacation time, I’ll still be able to travel plenty too! At least that’s the dream.
Language: I took a break from studying Norwegian while I was in the United States, which gave me just enough perspective to see how much I’ve actually learned in these past months! When I returned to Trondheim I realized that I now understand about 90% of what I read and hear (though that dips to 20% if someone is speaking dialect…), which would be super exciting if I didn’t still talk like a two year old.
So now Dan and I speak only Norwegian to each other until 6 pm each day. Sounds like fun, no? (No.)
The Instagram
Some of you might have noticed that my Instagram went a little insane this month, as I got tired of only posting photos from Trondheim and instead decided to go through my photo archives and post some of my favorites! I know some people feel strongly that you should only post recent photos on Instragram, but I’ve really enjoyed getting a chance to share some of my travel favorites from the past. What do you think – is that a total Insta-no no?
My most liked photo this month was from Kazan, which got an extra boost when BBC Travel also shared it. Though… I’m fairly certain Dan actually took this photo. So I guess the key to Instagram success for me is just not to take any photos myself?
The Blogs I 
I had both some returning blog sponsors as well as some new faces in my blog ads this month, so let me introduce them!
Kelly, aka The Wandering Blonde, is currently blogging about her travels through Central America. I love how unconventional Kelly’s story is in the travel blogging world – she didn’t sell her belongings to become a full-time nomad, but instead has kept her “normal” life (read: steady job and boyfriend) while managing to squeeze in tons of travel. This isn’t a blog geared solely toward digital nomad wannabes, but instead appeals equally to the rest of us looking to add more travel into our lives.
Alexandria is the founder of A Modern Girl’s Travels, which she works on with her husband Edward. I have a secret obsession with lifestyle blogs (as you might remember), so I love how Alexandria has managed to create a perfect travel-lifestyle blog hybrid. Her website is beautiful and I have yet to read through it without being overwhelmed with the sudden urge to plan a journey somewhere.
Mary at Nomadic Elephant has been a featured here before, but there have been some big changes on her blog lately, so you should go over and check out her new look! I love Mary’s blogging voice and the fact that she’s traveled to a lot of regions I’ve never visited, and I sort of feel like we’re real-life friends even though I’ve never met her. Is that weird? I know I can’t be the only person who feels that way about blogs!
If you’re a blogger interested in being featured just head over to this page!
So tell me, how was your September?
Kaelene @ Unlocking Kiki says
Your dedication to learning Norwegian is pretty awesome! I def am the worst at ever practicing it at home and I live with a native speaker, I really should try harder.
Silvia says
Haha I wish – really it’s Dan’s dedication to learning Norwegian! I do feel a bit silly about it all because I technically already “know” the language – at least I understood it fairly well before moving here – so I should be having it super easy. Except that I’m lazy…
Megan says
ok, so if you wanna see norway in all its glory, do this:
that is all i have to say today as ive been drinking for hours on end in an effort to try to socialise at oktoberfest later this evening (not easy for this sometimes introvert).
Silvia says
Whaaat is this? I had no idea Norway had so many airports! I want to do it next summer for sure – thanks for the tip!
Van (@snowintromso) says
I totally get how annoying that job search is, especially in a foreign country! Good luck anyway! Trondheim is big enough that you should find something soon! And you should totally start exploring Norway itself once you found a job. There’s so many wonderful places here and especially in the North
Silvia says
I just went to the mountains over the weekend and was blown away by the scenery – it really does look different here than in Telemark! I wish I could just skip the job search and travel instead
Amanda | Lesson Plans & Layovers says
With you on the job hunting, can’t be bothered either haha also with you on felling the love for autumn! Looks like you had gorgeous weather for your hike!
Silvia says
Autumn is magical, right? Far too magical to be thinking about JOBS, gross.
becky hutner says
My September was hectic as I prepare to pack up and move to London in a few wks! So I will be right there with you on the job hunting front. Luckily, I can speak the language. Kinda?
I think posting old photos is an Insta-yes. Keep people guessing about where the hell you are!
Silvia says
There are so many people on the job hunt commenting here, I love it! Insta-yes, I like the idea of being mysterious and tough to pin down!
Joella says
I love how you think Dan took that photo haha! I can see both sides of the instagram thing. I used to be against anything but “insta” photos from a phone but I’ve changed my mind lately. Especially as I started posting a “throwback” photo every Thursday and it’s really fun to go back and post old stuff! I’ll probably keep to recent-ish photos (from the last week) on my own feed for now (other than Thursdays when anything goes) but I’m more than happy to see older photos from other people. It keeps the inspiration going and really, what does it matter if it’s an old or new photo? Unless you want to stalk someone then it doesn’t matter when it’s from
Oh and I know how you feel about the job hunt. This is why i’m taking classes haha! 
Silvia says
Haha my stalkers will certainly be confused by my Instagram at the moment. I’m sort of pretending to be taking Norwegian classes instead of job hunting, though your excuse is much more legit!
Justine says
My nickname used to be “Smiley” too
Sometimes I think we might be the same person. Aside from the fact that I’m just over 5 feet tall and have dark brown hair. Other than that… Ugh, and I feel you on the job hunt thing. It is killing me!
Silvia says
Whoa, I think we really are the same! Blech job hunting boooooooo.
Christina - says
Hey, no worries! You can always find a job in a few weeks. Or months. Enjoy your autumn instead! xx
Silvia says
Haha I like that attitude!
Mel says
You should stop with the guys thing because not everybody is a guy.
Sexism is NOT cool.