Guys, it's my blogiversary! Okay no, that's a total lie - I technically started blogging (for The Roaming Coconuts with my friend Danielle) at the start of July 2013, so this post is coming a bit late. But I do like celebrations, so I figured why not have a belated ...
My 2nd Blogiversary!
Two years ago I sat in a hostel in Bangkok using the common room computer. I was impatiently waiting for the selfie I took of myself outside the Kazakh embassy to upload, so that I could finish writing about how excited I was to have received my visa to Kazakhstan. This moment is ...
Wait. Is Travel Blogging Embarrassing?
In just a few weeks Dan and my travels will be coming to an end (I'm still blogging about Romania, but this post is coming to you live from Kosovo!) as we head up to Trondheim and try to find an apartment and grown up jobs. What does that mean for this blog? I'll be in the ...
One Year Travel- and Blogiversary!
And to think that just about one year ago I was frantically rushing to the Kazakh embassy in Bangkok to pick up Danielle and my visas before heading to Indonesia the next day. WHERE has the time gone?! It started with ...