Updated September 2022 Uh... yeah, I just counted how many foreign languages I've studied so far in my life and it's been twelve! Though in defense of the version of me that isn't 100% nerd, I only studied about seven of those languages with any real intensity or ...
19 Awkward Things That Happen When You Return From Backpacking
Over the past few weeks as travelers have either returned home or found places to make their home for the foreseeable future, I've been thinking a lot about how grateful I am to have a home right now - something that really I should be better at feeling grateful for every day of ...
12 Wonderful and Horrible Things That Happened Because I Started a Travel Blog
Almost exactly one year ago Rachel and I were sitting on a catamaran sailing amongst the San Blas Islands talking about happiness. I was telling her how I was so happy that it was beginning to scare me - like it couldn't possibly last. With all the pain and suffering in the ...
9 Destinations Perfect for Former Backpackers
Danielle and I went on our first backpacking trip in 2013. We traveled through Southeast and Central Asia for four and a half months before going our separate ways. Since then we've tried to travel together at least once a year, and as I guess you could predict, each year our ...
When the Whole World Begins to Feel the Same
There’s something I’ve been struggling with for quite a while, and today I’m feeling brave so I’m finally going to address it: after traveling so much, everywhere is starting to kind of feel the same. Aaand cue the eye roll. I know, this is like the dumbest first world ...