I've taken hundreds of flights over the years, so I must be a pro by now right? At least that's what I always tell myself when I book an overnight flight and then pack my schedule for the day that I'm arriving - it doesn't matter because of course I'm going to sleep the whole ...
How to Combat the Post Travel Blues
I am seriously the worst when it comes to getting stuck in the post-travel blues. So I mean, I'm probably not the best person to be writing a how-to on dealing with post travel depression, but then on the other hand, I do have a lot of experience with it! Like did anyone ...
When You Begin to Hate the Place You Love
About a year and a half ago I wrote a blog post about that dreaded "bitter expat syndrome" and how I planned on doing everything I could to avoid feeling those same bitter expat feelings towards Norway that I had once felt towards Germany, and then Japan, and then Thailand. That ...
Cool Kids Don’t Travel
It's not often I dish out life advice on this blog, but in one month and 4 days I'll be 29, which I've heard is the official age when you're supposed to start helping out the young people. Yes? So today I'm going to talk about what I think all of us can agree is the most ...
Where to Find Your Dream Guy: A Travel Guide
Some of you might remember my friend Danielle as my former blog partner. Those were the days! Like, remember that time we hitchhiked with the Tajik mafia? How we spent an afternoon in Europe's drug capital? The 72-hour train ride on hard seats? And when we had to sneak across ...