Two weeks ago I wrote about how excited I was to have been traveling full time for over a year, and how confused I was about what to do next.
I had accepted admission to a master’s program in international studies in Denmark, which… sort of sounded interesting! A master’s degree is a master’s degree, even if it’s not actually in the field you eventually decide to pursue a career in, right?
And really, I’m 26 years old and everyone knows this whole backpacking thing is so early twenties.
After having spent the past four years living abroad, the idea of staying put for a while in a place where I could make friends who weren’t going to skip off to Cambodia or Burma on me sounded really nice.
I mean, I would be able to live in the same apartment for two YEARS! And have a steady friend group! I could maybe even trade in my backpacker t-shirts and elephant pants for some clothes that actually looked good!
These are all great reasons to study, right?
Um, maybe?
Except, I still had plenty of savings for another year of traveling (seriously, go work in Japan if you want to save up some money!), and the idea of moving to cold, gray Denmark after two years of perpetual summer sort of made me want to climb up a tree in the Thai jungle and refuse to ever come down.
So I started to think it over.
If it was a little stability I was after, I could always stay in Chiang Mai, Thailand for several months to get back into a routine, save up some more travel money, and try to figure out what it is I actually want to study.
Plus, I’d get to hang out with these guys:
(By “these guys” I mean the guys, not the Annas who just left for Cambodia today, wahhh.)
Also, if I stayed in Chiang Mai I’d get to eat this everyday, and none of it would cost more than $1:
So what did I choose to do?
Do you even have to ask?
Catherine says
Haha, sounds like you’ve made the right choice to me! Looking forward to reading about more Thai adventures 🙂
Silvia says
Thanks Catherine! I’m heading on a trip through northeastern Thailand next week, so maybe there will be some new adventures soon!
Karisa says
Good choice! Grad school will always be there but the chance to travel the world may not. 🙂
Silvia says
That’s a really nice way to look at it, Karisa! Even if I am an old lady by the time I make it back to grad school, ha.
Megan says
Your food pics are making miss Thailand so, so, so much! Khao Soi is one of my faves!
Silvia says
I love khao soi! So much so in fact, that I may have chosen my apartment based on its location down the street from the best khao soi place in Chiang Mai. Priorities!
Will Zhong says
I’m glad that you finally made a good choice.
Looking forward to hear your new adventure stories.
Silvia says
Thanks Will, it definitely feels like a good choice!
Rachel says
SO excited you’re going to keep traveling! I can’t wait to read about your adventures this year. And that guy looks familiar… maybe not so broken up after all?
Silvia says
Ha well spotted! Yes, Dan and I are back together. Ooooh the angst of travel romances!
Ally says
I’m excited to continue reading about your travels! And that Thai food looks delicious…another reason why Thailand is waaay high up on my bucket list. 🙂
Silvia says
Thanks, Ally! And seriously, Thailand absolutely deserves a spot on that list for its food alone!
Victoria says
Good choice. The time to travel IS in your twenties so don’t worry that you’re 26. I mean, it’s so isn’t an issue. I did all my travelling in my 20’s and managed to stretch it into my 30’s. Yay! But at some point, I had to settle down as I quite fancied that a family might be nice!
I’m doing my Masters now and will follow up with my Phd in two years. To be honest, the Masters works better now that I have experience whereas, when I graduated from university, I had never even worked for a single day LOL!. Yikes!
Silvia says
Ah, that’s so great to hear, Victoria! I don’t know why I feel pressure to go back to school so soon… But you’re right, I will get way more out of it after having lived a little more.
jennifer says
Woo hoo! This is a great life’s decision!
I am going to start my RTW trip in my 40’s (I am already in them, so I don’t have a choice to do it in my 20’s) so seeing anyone not wait as long as I did, makes me happy. Plus I get to keep reading about your travels!
Silvia says
That’s so great to hear, Jennifer! And it’s wonderful that you’ve finally made it onto that RTW trip 🙂
Miquel says
Always trust your gut! I would love to read about what you did for work in Japan!
Silvia says
I agree, Miquel! So far it’s been a good decision, phew. And actually I’ve been thinking about writing about my time in Japan, even though it won’t be the most pleasant story. Your comment was the push I needed!