Looking for travel inspiration? Click on a place you haven’t been yet!
Brown: places I’ve visited and written about // Green: places I’ve visited but haven’t written about // Pink: places featured in guest posts
A big motivation behind my travels is seeing places that I know next to nothing about, and connecting with people who seem totally foreign to me. I go for the differences, wanting to explore new sites and cultures, but what always enchants me the most is the similarities. People are people, the world over, and more often than not they turn out to be pretty amazing.
Now I’m no longer a backpacker as I live in Norway and travel from there on shorter trips (2 or 3 weeks tops), but I’ve also done some long trips in the past. You can find the details of my routes on those trips here:
Getting off the beaten path
I’ve now traveled to over 80 countries, but a few of my top favorite “off the beaten path” destinations include Kyrgyzstan, Albania, Armenia, Iran, Tajikistan, and Russia. These are all budget friendly (most are cheaper than Southeast Asia) and the locals here are very welcoming towards visitors.
I also have an Off the Path series where guest posters have shared their experiences in lesser known destinations, including tips on how to get there and what to do when you’re there. If you’d like to contribute to the series, send me an email at heartmybackpack@gmail.com and I’ll send you a few questions to answer!